Red Judgment

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I have nightmares of that night every time I close my eyes. The smell of death lingers, even still. This is what happened.
*view of Evelyn*
I laid in bed making a game plan on how I was going to trick Tristian. It wasn't my intention to sneak out, but then I heard my Father's plan. I can't let them all die. Caleb wouldn't of let them die. My Mother wouldn't of let them die. And I sure as hell won't let them die. The time had come. And I was ready to fight. Angels ran left and right through the halls. I stood in the hallway as the chaos went on. I saw Channing and began running to him, I yelled his name. Tristan heard me and "accidentally" bumped into him. I listened from afar.
"Good luck, Channing" Tristan smiled.
"Yeah, being at the front lines, I'm gonna need it" He smiled back. Tristan had a moment of doubt. He wanted to tell him. Channing began walking off. Tristan grabbed his arm. Channing turned to him with a confused look on his face.
"Don't forget to bring some silver bullets, we don't know what Jenivive's army looks like" Tristan wimped out. That idiot. Tristan scurried off. Channing kept walking. He turned left into his quarters. I shoved past the angels and followed him in. He was digging through some weapons on a shelf.
"Channing" I said quietly. We were the only ones in here.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I wanted to warn you, they're going to blow up the hole place after they get Red out" I stared at him. He turned away from me and stared at some things on his dresser.
"I know" He frowned. I looked at him in silence for a minute. "That's why I volunteered for the front lines" He sighed.
"Why? Why would you do that?" Tears whelmed in my eyes.
"They needed someone to lead the army. Someone who is willing to die for the cause" He stared at the ground. "And Red is going to need Michael" He sighed.
"I'm going to need you, so will Red" I frowned.
"Don't you see, Evelyn? I was always just an extra. I wasn't meant to live this long. My wife and child died. The girl I love had a child with my brother and best friend. I was meant to end up alone the day I met her. And you. I don't love you, Evelyn. I love who you remind me of" He frowned. I stared at him as tears whelmed from my eyes. I turned around and left with tears streaming from my eyes. I ran to my room and cried to myself. An hour later, after my tears had dryed. Tristan walked in.
"Hey, I'm guessing things didn't go well with Channing" He frowned.
"Yeah" I sniffled.
"Things have a habit of not going our way, huh?" He smiled.
"Definitely" I smiled a little bit. "What do I do, Tristan?" I frowned.
"You're asking the wrong person" He chuckled.
"Channing told me that he didn't like me, I just reminded him of my Mom" I swallowed hard. "He thinks I'm just a kid. Everyone thinks that" I frowned. Tristan thought hard for a second.
"Show them why they're wrong" He smiled and tossed me a bag. Inside was a hood. A red hood. A knife and a crossbow.
"What is all this?" I stared at the contents.
"Your Mother's signature hood. A holy water infused knife and a crossbow with holy bolts" He smiled. I slowly processed all this. He is letting me go fight. The helicopter Dad I've always known had realized that I am all grown up.
"Thanks" I smiled with tears in my eyes. I lunged at him and hugged him tightly.
"Now avenge everyone we've lost" He hugged me back.
"For Zander" I closed my eyes tightly.
"For Madison and Kim" Tears whelmed in Tristan's eyes.
"Who are they?" I asked.
"Your Grandma and sister" He smiled thinking about the memories.
"I will fight. I will show Jenivive how wrong she was to mess with our family" I said with a stern voice. I hugged Tristan one last time and then left the room. The normally busy hallways were empty. I ran down the hall slowly putting on the hood and sheathing my crossbow and knife. I had to find a way down and to the battle. I still had the location burned in my hand. I began getting lost in the pure white halls. I eventually found myself at a painful memory. The door to the interrogation room was ajar. I walked in slowly. Behind the glass walls sat the killer. The one who murdered Zander. He sat in the cell crying. He had olive skin and a kind face. He looked up and saw me.
"You look exactly like your mother" He smiled through the tears.
"How do you know my Mother" I said menacing.
"Protective like your father" He smiled again.
"Who are you?!" I yelled.
"Quick to anger like both" He chuckled.
"Tell me!" I brought my knife out.
"Im Rafael. I'm sorry for killing your friend" His smiled disappeared and he gazed at the ground.
"My boyfriend" I corrected him. "And demons aren't ever sorry" I frown.
"I'm an angel. I'm just sick. Jenivive did something to me" He began coughing until he spit out some blood.
"How am I supposed to believe that" I glare at him.
"I was the first to know your mom was pregnant. I had to chase her down an alley and nearly kill her because she thought I was going to take you back to her personal prison" He laughs to himself. "She once tricked me into helping her sneak out" He smiled. "Your Mother was my friend. And I've let her down" He gazed downward.
"We found her. They're all going to get her back as we speak" I stared at him.
"She isn't dead?" He looked up at me with a glint of hope.
"They're going to kill Channing and everyone else in the process. They're planning to blow the place up once they get her out" I sighed.
"They're killing Chamuel?" He opened his eyes real wide.
"Yeah, but I'm going to stop him" I breathed out. "Why am I telling you all this?" I shook my head.
"Truth chamber, cursed by God himself" Rafael looked around at the glass room, as if admiring it.
"So you're really an angel?" I asked.
"Yes, I actually was the head interrogater here" He smiled to himself. "That kid fought hard against the truth, I've never seen anyone last that long" He smiled. "He really cared about you. I've never seen a vampire care about someone other than themselves. I've interrogated so many vampires, each sold out each other to save their own skin. I regret killing him, even if it wasn't me. That will never leave me. But I can always make it up. Im helping you save Channing and everyone else" He looked up at me with pure determination. I trusted him. It's all I could do in that moment. I let him out of his cell and he escorted me out of the building. I stared at the open sky. I haven't seen it in a while.
"Are you ready?" He smiled at me.
"I guess" He grabbed me and took off into the sky. I grabbed onto him tightly. I stared amazed at the city below. This is my second time out in the public. I've always been locked away. There was silence between us. Not awkward silence. More like an accepting silence. He stopped outside of the city gates.
"This is the hard part" He looked at the guards who stood at the gate.
"Just follow my lead" I frowned and pulled him behind me. We walked up to the gates.
"State name, age and supernatural race, please" The short guard stared at me.
"Eve Smith, 16, vampire" I smiled, revealing fangs.
"And you sir?" He looked at Rafael.
"Oh he is mute. These witches cursed him pretty bad" I smiled.
"Well what is he?" The taller guard frowned.
"Oh Robbie Smith, 20, vampire" I smiled politely. Raphael smiled and revealed fangs as well.
"Alright, go on through" They pushed us along.
"How did you do that?" Raphael looked at me confused.
"Every witch has her secret" I grinned. Raphael began poking the fangs in his mouth. They slid back into his gums. Leaving no trace of any kind of irregular teeth. The city streets were empty. I looked up to see a giant castle casting a shadow over the city square. I heard yelling and screaming.
"They've already began" I breathed in deeply.

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