Red Friends

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I ran down the streets of the city. It had a London tone with a mix of fantasy land. Raphael ran beside me. We approached the tall gates in front of the fortress. I could hear metal clanging and shrieks. I banged my hands against the tall steel door. A big clear dome surrounded the top. So no flying in. I began ramming myself into it. I began screaming and yelling. I turned my back against the door and slid to a sitting position. I gave up.
"You can't give up yet" Raphael helped me up.
"I don't know what else to do" I sighed.
"I might, but I can't promise you'll be the same. I need you to drink my blood. Since you've never had it, aftee this you'll crave it for the rest of your life. But the power it will give you is endless" He stared at me.
"I'm up for whatever" I gulped. He rolled his sleeve down revealing his tan arm. He poked himself with the my knife. A drop of blood fell onto the concrete. I completely lost myself. I haven't had blood in forever. The craving. The desire. It overtook me. I pressed my fangs against his arm and began drinking his blood. I stop myself quickly. I raise my head up. I tore his arm to shreds. Blood was everywhere. It was all over my face. My fangs shot back into my gums. I looked at him. I gazed at his neck. His pulse mocked me. My fangs slowly reappeared. I lunged at him. I brought my teeth down on his skin. I went crazy. I began tearing the skin off and blood flew everywhere. I finally stopped myself. I stepped backwards and stared at my friend who was now bleeding out on the ground. I stepped backwards. I felt powerful. I felt crazy. He stopped squirming. He finally fell still. I began crying and staring at his body. A familiar voice emerged behind me.
"It's okay, Darling" The voice said from behind me. I felt a cold hand against my shoulder. I stood up with my back still turned from him. I spun on my heels and fell into his arms.
"Z-Zander?" I cried.
"It's okay, I'm here now" He smiled.
"I just killed Rafael" I wept.
"No, no. He is fine. He is an angel. He'll be up and running around in a couple hours. Takes more than that to kill an angel, trust me I've tried" He chuckled.
"I love you" I sobbed. Zander stood dead silent. I guess no one has ever told him that before. It took him a couple seconds before he replied.
"I love you too" He hugged me tighter.
"How are you alive, I saw you die?" I shook my head.
"We don't have alot of time. I'll explain later" He released me and pushed me towards the door. "Do your stuff, princess" He smiled. I felt the angel blood course through my body. I channeled it all to my mind. I concentrated hard until I felt my witch side take over. I blinked and when I opened my eyes. The door was blasted down. I heard ringing in my ears.
"That was amazing" He grinned. He ran behind me and pushed me along. The court yard was full of bodies. There wasnt one team and the other. It was all just death. The smell hurt my nose. I ran and jumped over the bodies attempting to get to the battle. I have to help them. The court yard was huge. I didn't see anyone I recognized. We finally arrived at the battle. It was just outside the doors of the humongous castle. Demons and angels were scattered across the small space. Metal and blood sparkled like the stars. I took out my knife and began looking for a fight. I stabbed a demon from behind. Leaving a trail of black blood all over me. Angels looked surprised to see me. I dont know if it was the blood all over my face or the fact I was actually there. Lights flickered from the deaths of both sides. It looked like a morbid design of Christmas lights. I took out my crossbow and shot demons from afar. I used my knife for close combat until I finally knifed my way up to the large church like doors. I swung them open revealing an even bloodier scene than the last. The battle outside looked even matched. This one not so much. Angels covered the floor. They looked like an ugly rug. The woman I assumed was Jenivive was fighting multiple angels at once. Zander followed behind me. Because he didn't fit in with angel or demon, they disregarded him. I spotted Channing.
"Channing!" I yelled. He turned and looked at me.
"Evelyn?" He stared confused. Suddenly, he dropped to the ground. I see a demon behind him. She hit him over the head with the hilt of her sword.
"Channing!" I yelled and began running to him. I jumped over the bodies and finally got there. I lunged my knife forward at the demon. She dodged it and began swinging back. She pushed me forward. I fell on my back and she laid the tip of the sword at my neck.
"Zander!" I yelled out. I turn my head and he is also in a tough situation. A demon has him pushed up against a wall. The demon applies a little pressure. Causing blood to seep out. She raises her sword and brought it down quickly on my throat. I don't feel anything. I open my eyes and see someone blocked the strike. Tristan stands above me and knocks the demon back and plunges his sword deep in her heart. He can see? Why can he see? No time to ask questions. I look down at Channing and throw him over my shoulder.
"This way!" Zander yelled and pointed to a door to our left. I ran behind him and dodged multiple swings and barely made it through the door with my head still on. I quickly turn around and lock the door. We are in a long hallway. Zander and Tristan stare at me.
"How are you seeing?" I yelled.
"Let's just say I will pay later" He frowned.
"Zander found me, he is okay!" I smiled.
"What are you talking about?" Tristan frowned.
"Zander. He is right there. He is fine" I shook my head in disbelief. I look over at Zander.
"I'm sorry" He grinned and winked. He turned into a cloud of dust and was blown away.
"Are you okay?!" Tristan yelled as he shook me back into reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Lets go find my Mom" I frowned a bit and began walking down the hallway. Tristan followed behind.
"Do you know where we are going?" Tristan asked me.
"Hold on, let me see" I swallowed hard. I thought real hard. I channeled Raphael's blood. A map of the castle appeared in my mind. "Turn right here, and then go down into the basement. From there go right and into the fourth room" I said aloud.
"That's new" Tristan frowned.
"Yeah, let's just say the blood on my face, isn't my own" I frowned. We ran down the halls and followed the instructions. When we finally made it to the basement. It was very different from the elegance of the hallway and main room. The basement reaked of death and human shit. Everything was dirty. We walked to the fourth door and I stared at it.
"My mom is behind this door" I said to myself. I opened it slowly. I walked in with Channing still on my back. It was empty. I turn to look at Tristan who is staring from outside the room. Tristan frowns and slams the door.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled. He smiled and his eyes flickered black. "Where is the real Tristan?!" I yelled.
"Hell, like everyone else. We caught your little friends trying to steal that girl. I can still smell their blood" He grinned from ear to ear. I fell to the ground, weeping.

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