Red Tragedy

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What I saw killed me inside. Caleb and Gabriel had eachother pinned against the wall, their lips locked. I closed the door and ran back to my room crying. Tears fell from my eyes, they blurred my vision. The door opens slowly. Channing walked in. He wasn't smiling.

"I saw it coming" Channing frowns.

"I could of been warned" I wipe my tears off, I don't want to look weak, especially in front of an archangel.

"With his new memories, he will probably be different, seem different. Billions of billions of billions of billions years worth of memories can change a person. Edventually, when he gets the rest of his memories, he won't even be Caleb anymore" Channing looked sincere, impained because I was impained. Angels really do act like angels.

"Thanks for the optimism" I sigh.

"I never liked Gabriel, because I am the archangel of love, my job is to heal broken hearts. Sadly, there will always be a scar, and you won't ever be fully healed" Channing examined my face. *fun fact: you can actually Google the archangels and you will find that I am being very factual, there is an archangel named Chamuel and Uriel, and every other archangel you haven't met yet*

"Is it possible to just make me forget" I look up at him.

"Michael could do that, but that's not the best idea, especially asking him to make you forget him" Channing bit his lip.

"I don't know how I could look at him ever again" I frown, trying to hold back the tears. Channing put his hand to my cheek.

"He obviously didn't deserve you, if he even thought of giving you up" Channing stroked my cheek. I stood up and backed away.

"I can't do this" I frown and left my own room. I walked weakly out the door and bumped into Tristan.

"Whats wrong" Tristan lifts one eyebrow. I just shake my head and run past Tristan. The world was in slow motion. My feet didn't make a sound when it hit the ground. I didn't hear Channing yelling my name. I didn't hear my sobs either. I only heard Caleb shouting my name. I wasn't going to turn around and acknowledge him. I ran and ran until I was outside standing on the branch of the tree. I looked down, at least 18 stories high. I close my eyes, spread my arms, let loose, and fall. Air pressed against my face. In the movies they always say it's like flying, it wasn't graceful enough to be like flying. It was falling to your death, it was like someone tied a weight to your feet and telling you to run a mile, and at the end you die. Here I was, 30 feet from my death. I am ready to die, I have killed enough demons, I have done my good in the world. The pain of betrayal was unbearable. I just wanted it to go away. 20..... 10..... 5.. 4.. I closed my eyes ready for the impact. Nothing came, it was like I was flying. I guess heaven was for real. I open my eyes. I see tousled Brown hair, blue piercing eyes and a chisled jaw. Channing. His large white wings stretched wide. I look down we were 4 feet off the ground. He soared upwards and set me onto carved tree branch. The night hung above us. It was barren, no one was around. The stars suddenly became brighter, fireflies covered the tree leaves. How cliche. Channing really knows how to use his powers to his advantage. His hands cup my face again. His lips drew close to mine. Inches away and he suddenly stopped.

"You're hesitant, I can see it in your eyes" Channing drew back. "I don't want to do anything you aren't full hearted towards" Channing smiled. He walks away. Leaving me standing alone. I stand there staring at the stars and the fireflies. There was something I didn't notice, not until I started leaving. The fireflies formed a word. Damn it! Not another riddle. I sigh and look at the one word it spelled. find. No other words appeared only find. I sighed and continue back into my quarter. I sat on my bed, staring at the wall. I hear a thump and grunts, as well as a scream. I stand up and walk out the door. Demons held an angel up to the wall. I walk over and push the demon off. The demon runs at me, I take my knife out of my pocket and hold it close to myself. The demon comes close and I kick it away. It falls backwards, then pursues me again. It punched me in the gut, then the face, and kicked my shin. I was having the shit beat out of me. Caleb walks up and notices me. He unflurls his wings and runs at the demon. He spins his wings which the cut the demon in half.  He spins and flips until the demon is in pieces.

"Are you okay, Red?" Caleb grabs my arm. I quickly threw his hand off.

"Leave me alone" I sniffle. Caleb looks angry and storms off. Why is he angry, shouldn't I be angry? I hear shouting. I run towards the fight. Caleb has Channing against the wall.

"What did you do" Caleb looked angry.

"It's not what I did, it's what you did" Channing frowned, his eyes flicker to me.

"What do you mean?" Caleb face slacked.

"She saw you and Gabriel, in fact she tried to commit suicide" Channing spit the words out like acid. Caleb released Channing. "To her you've changed, to us you've came back, don't forget that, she loves Caleb, not Michael" Channing frowns. Caleb sighs and walks away from Channing.

"Channing, I am going to ask something big from you" I twiddle my thumbs.

"Yes?" He smiles.

"Could you help me get the old Caleb back" I bite my lip.

"I am sorry, I can't do that for you" Channing's smile slacks into a straight line.

"Please?" I frown.

"What about a deal, after the whole Jenivive war, I will return Caleb to his former self" Channing nods.

"Whats the rest of the deal, I know you want something" I sigh.

"One date, one chance" Channing grinned.

"A date? We are in a freaking war, and you want to go on an actual date?" I chuckle.

"I like to stay traditional" Channing smiles.

"Seriously, you want an archangel and a crescent *I haven't used that term in a while but if you remember it's half werewolf and half human* to go on a date, while fighting in a war against a demon?" I chuckle louder.

"Exactly, sounds about right" Channing looked serious yet playful.

"Channing, you player!" I hear someome shout from behind me.

"Hey, Raphael!" Channing hugs Raphael, he has dark olive skin, bald head and keen features.

"Who is the lovely lady?" Raphael grins.

"Hi, uh Red" I fake smile.

"Hi I am Raphael, the healer of God" He smiles.

"Also, the funniest" Channing slugs Raphael in the arm.

"Nice to meet you" I fake another quick smile.

"Aren't you Michael's girl?" Raphael at his his eyebrows.

"Was" I correct him.

"Oh I see, sorry about that" Raphael gives me a pleasant smile.

"I just wish I could of known sooner before actually falling in love with guy" I frown.

"Well, just keep fighting, if you need medical assistance I will be on the 15th floor and room 164.

"Thanks" I fake another smile, I never realized how different I was around new people. Raphael leaves our presence.

"Well I better get going too, I have got to go somewhere" I smile and walk away. I need to figure out our plan, when I say our plan, I mean Tristan and I's plan of escape.

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