Chapter 9

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*Modern day*

Annabeths {pov}

"Hey i was wondering if you were ready to date yet. I know you still haven't gottin over Rose Falir but you could always experament? no thats a little too slutty" i had been practicing in the mirrior for hours. i wanted to go out with Zach but every century it was the same answer 'I am not ready to date yet.' I mean come on i know she was pretty but she was probably a whore.

His family never liked me though. The brothers thought i was creepy and the dad just didnt trust me for some reason. But all i need is for zach to date me and im in....Being a virgine and an emortal must be hard for a man............

He must have strong will.....i need to brake it


Zach {POV}

'I HATE ALGEBRA' Thomas screamed in my head. 'ok so just dont do it. we were around when it was made dude. We know all the answers.' 'true'

i sighed. A girl with blond hair threw a note on my desk

Meet me at the janitores closet. <3


Wow that was ariginal. A blond named Brittney who wants to fick in the  Janitores closet.

i looked back at her and glared. This was my mask. a bad boy. Yet all the girls want me...Come ON.

But i still cant get one girls face out of my head....


Rose {POV} We all love her!!

I saw Zach Dawn glare at the blond. i paid her 18 bucks to look like a slut to see Zachs reaction.....he has changed though. he has the bad boy clothes and immag. But there was still the boy i knew long ago.

i missed that boy........even though he was my exact oppisite.

i looked over at my sisters. "Ready to shock them when we come in at lunch?" Sarra asked. I nodded

"Look who disided to show up!" We all looked to were Jessica was pointing.

The bitch Annabeth........Great. Wonder if she has tried to get Zach.

I know she wont because of one big thing.

We're Mates. She doesnt know it and neither does Zach. At least i think he doesnt. i've only met him a few times to just see him. even though i know he is confuzed at why he feels like he can only see me, just as i can only see him.....

i wipped a tear i didnt know i had shed. He was mine and i couldnt have him....

He will never have another half. he will never live fully. all because of me.

But i am also the reason he is still breathing......


Rose Flair doesnt seem like such a bitch does she???? What did she do to save his life? Will zach go out with Annabeth. Will you guys give me som Votes, Comments, And Fans??? you will find out soon.

And be honest did you say that in a mystery voice??

As you know

Comment Vote  and      FAN!!! love you guys.

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