Chapter 1

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Zachs pov

At the feast...

' So Prince zach how has you and your Warriors training been?' Asked Shom (the head merchan)

"well im Fair with a sword but i have much to learn" i said without much inthusiasum (excuse my spelling :) )

'You should have a Flair teach him! exclaimed Shom to my father 'Think about it Warren (my fathers name)You could have the Enimys trembling in thier boots if your son masterd, you know whos, sword style!'

My father grind. 'thier already on thier way'. All the men had grins on thier faces, all the Women had innosent smiles, but they all seemed to know who the Flairs where so i felt like i complete idiot saying "Who are the Flairs?"

Everyone was silent........


"Good to know we're memberable' exclaimed a womens voice

i turned around and i saw.......

Authores note

hey guys ya i know thats mean but i need some time to think about whats to happen.

All i want is 1! Vote and ill write another Chapter.

i can be nice

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