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"He's a rogue now" I whispered and started to cry as I looked at my now dead friends.


Chapter 13

When I woke up I heard my mom talking.

"She will be ok but I think you guys should get out of here and go to the human world" What but I have friends here and I need to do something about Jet so he won't kill anymore. I don't want this to happen to anyone else.

"Mom I don't want to go back, I want to stay here with you guys and my other friends" I sat up and pleaded

"Phoenix you will be happier there and Jet can't get you"

"But what will happen to you guys?"

"We will be fine I promise and your new friends will go with you so they won't get hurt plus they are already here, they saw what happened" What? They did? O.O

"Ya Phoenix don't worry we will be with you the hole time and your brother is coming too" said Sara

"Just give me a little bit to think about this"

"Phoenix we don't have time you need to leave with your friends and brother" my dad said "We will be fine he won't hurt us but he will hurt you guys"

"Fine I will leave but only on one condition"

"What is it?"

"You guys have to come and visit sometimes"

"Don't worry we will" said my dad

"We will when you have a cute child" laughed my mom

"MOM DON'T SAY THAT TO HER" my brother yelled from across the living room

"Why not?"

"Because then she will have a baby"

"And what's wrong with that?" Greg asked. Oh god why do we have to talk about this I want to hide under a rock

"We don't need any more than one Phoenix when we can hardly watch this one"

"Hey I resent that" I said when my friends started laughing

"Crow just for you we are going to have 50 babies" what did Greg just say? 50 NO WAY

"As long as they are cute"

"Don't you dare get my baby pregnant" my dad said hugging me. Wow we are a messed family people just died, there is a rouge running around and we are just sitting here laughing. Oh well I guess this is how we are going to get over it and when I'm 16 I'm so having 2 kids for crow.

"Hey crow I'm going to have twins just for you"

"Then you will know how I felt when you guys where little" my mom smiled

"Just thinking about it makes me hurt" my dad said

"We weren't that bad"

"Says the worst of them all" hehe I was I thought as we walked towards the portal

"Are we going to be near my old family?" I asked

"No you will be far away from them so you don't have to worry" good because that would be weird knowing that they are no longer my real family.

"Bye and don't forget to have a cute child for me" my mom said as we walked thru the portal

Sorry this one is boring but next one will be better:D

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