"Because the other kids don't like us and will make are life hell if we do"
"Well let's do something about that"
Chapter 11
"How are we supposed to do something about it?" asked Jane as I started walking out the door
"Follow me and bring your lunch" i called over my shoulder
as we walked into the lunch room everyone was quiet and staring at us hehehe they can stare all they want and here comes the bitch with her wanabees i thought as Jen and her friends walked up to us
"What are you losers doing here?" she sneered at us
"We are just here to see my brother" I smiled at her as I walked past
"Who is your brother?" she asked trying to keep pace with me
"Him" I pointed walking up to him
"Hey crow what’s up?" I asked as Jen's mouth fell to the floor
"Nothing, make any friends"
"Yup meant Sara, Jane, Trever, and keven" i said pointing at each one as i said their names
"Mind if we sit with?"
"No go ahead"
"No they can't well i guess she can sense she is your sister" Jen said pointing at my friends
"Well because I'm sitting here I'm going to allow them too" I smiled
"You can't do that"
"I just did Barbie" I said as my friends and i took a seat by my brother. I heard people laugh
"So did you make any friends" I asked looking around the table jocks well they look nice I thought as Jen stormed the table jet was at
"Ya this is Steven, Justin, Tim, and Luke" they all waved
"Hey so what's up with Barbie?" I asked them
"She runs the school whatever she says gos"
"This sounds like fun"
"Phoenix don't think of it"
"Aww come on crow have some fun like the good old days when we put snakes in the dirty laundry for the maid" good times
"Aphrodite Phoenix Moondust Banshee don't think of it"
"Don't use my full name I'm going to have some fun anyway plus she is coming over here" I pointed out well she was walking this way how can I not say something
"Your name is long" Sara commented
"I know"
"Why don't you like Aphrodite?" she asked
"I don't know I just don’t” the truth is that it's my auntie’s name you know the goddess Aphrodite well I just don't like being compared to her
"Hey Crow and the guys come to our table" Jen demanded
"I think I'm going to just chill with my sister and her friends thanks anyway"
"I was not asking I was saying"
"But I don't want to"
"Well you have too"
"Aww not going to invite me how rude" I put my hand over my heart
"No I'm not going to because you and your little friends are losers"
"At least I'm not a damn slut" I shot back
"What did you just call me?"
"" I asked in a baby voice really slowly
"By the looks of it you’re the baby" what did she just say? Now I’m pissed
"ya look how small she is" one of her friends sneered I looked up to see who is was it was jet stupid bitch he will pay for that I thought
"Jet back off" I warned him
"And what's the baby going to do?"
"Jet stop it" my brother said
"Aww come on bro you know i love her but i want to have some fun first and she is getting in my way" huh? How am I getting in his way?
"How am I getting in your way?"
"You pissed off Jen" he said taking a step forward
"We were just about to ditch and have some fun" he smiled taking a chunk of my hair
"Let go" I grinned my teeth together. He throw me to the ground and punched me
"Jet get off her" my brother said.
he punched me again but this time when he did I flipped us over so I was on top of him and punched him about 3 times before I heard his nose brake. Jet is the only one that can bet me up well and Greg but he would never. He pushed me off.
"YOU BITCH" he screamed grabbing me by the hair again “YOU WILL RESPECT ME BECAUSE I'M YOUR MATE"
"STOP IT AND LET HER GO" I looked up what is Greg doing here he was not suppose to be here until next week?
"Greg what are you doing here?" I asked
"I knew something bad was going to happen"
"Get lost Greg" jet said
I bet your wondering where my brother is some of Jet's new friends are holding him so he can't help me
"Jet your dad is here and so is Phoenix's" that made jet drop me I looked up to see the king and my dad walking over to us
"get to the car now" the king said to him as my dad and brother rushed over to me
"Phoenix are you ok?" they asked
"Fine just got punched a few times you know not a big deal" I said as my dad picked me up and walked to the limo
"Jet what the hell do you think you were doing?" I hear his dad ask
"I-I- I didn't mean too I was just mad I guess" he said
"I don't think jet should mate with phoenix if Greg was not there he would have killed her" I heard my brother say
"WHAT!!" jet screamed that was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep
What do you think he is going to do??
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عشوائيphoenix is a 15 year old girl who is a werewolf and her two best friends Sarah and Kristina are pulled into the world of demons not knowing what they are in for this story has romance even thou it's not wanted and adventure this is my first book so...