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"Bye and don't forget to have a cute child for me" my mom said as we walked thru the portal


Chapter 14

After living in the human world for a few months some things have changed. We all live in the same forest. Sara and my brother are soul mates but they aren’t the only ones Jane and Trever are too. Ken has one her name is Heaven but she does not know what we are yet. Oh ya now I'm 16 and I keeped my promise I'm pregnant but I don't know if I'm having twins but I hope I am :D Oh ya Sara is pregnant too and to tell you the truth we are bitches because of our hormones.

"I want ice cream" I complained as Sara, Crow and I sat at the dining room table

"Me too" hehe me and Sara are so evil

"But you guy eat it all" my brother said

"Then go buy some"

"I'm not going all the way to the store just to get you girls ice cream" meanie

"Fine then we will go right Sara?"


"How are you girls getting there?"

"Your truck"

"But I have th-" he stopped when I pulled the keys from my pocket

"How did you get them thou?" he asked

"I'm still a good pick pocket" he sighed

"Fine I will go"

"Yay thank you" I kissed him on the cheek and he left

"Hey crow?" Greg said as he walked in "where did Crow go?"

"He went to the store to get us ice cream" said Sara

"Why what's wrong baby?" I asked

"Nothing I just need to talk to him" with that he walked out

"Something is wrong" I told Sara

"I know, what do you think is going on?' she asked

"I don't know but I think its bad" that's when I remembered my dream HOLY SHIT Jet it coming back. Damn I can't tell anyone about this or they will get hurt.

"Crow is back" Sara exclaimed

"I got your ice cream" he said as Sara kissed him

"YAY" we screamed as we ate it

"Oh ya Greg is looking for you"

"Ok" he left to go find Greg

After we ate our ice cream we went into my room to talk about baby things.

"Sara do you know what you are going to have?" I asked. I don't know what mine is because I want it to be a surprise.

"I'm having a boy" she said

"What are you going to name him?"

"We don't know yet"

"I think you should name him Drake Hunter Banshee"

"What are you going to name yours if it's a boy?" she asked me

"Ummm I think Seker Moonstone Banshee"

"Why your last name instead of Greg's?"

"We decided to change his name to Banshee instead of me changing mine when we get married"

"Oh" "But what if you have a girl?" at least she didn't ask why we were changing his because I really don't know.

"Then her name will be Luna Midnight Banshee"

"Who said you get to name the kids?" I turned to the door to see Crow and Greg standing there

"Ya and who said you could name my kid too?" my brother asked

"I did" i smiled "and I didn't name him I was just suggesting a name that I think you guys should use" we where all sitting on the bed when Sara screamed


"Sara what's wrong" I asked

"My water just broke" shit I thought as the guys got the bags and I helped Sara down the stairs to the car

"Don't worry baby we will be there soon" my brother soothed her

"We are here" Greg said as he came to a stop. We all rushed out and into the hospital. We watched as the nurses wheeled her away with Crow right on her tail.

Crow came out a few hours later and led us to the room Sara was in

"Hey guys meat Drake Hunter Banshee" hehe I laughed picking him up out of her arms. He has light/ dark brown hair with green eyes that remind me of Sasha and Kristina I really miss them.

"Phoenix lets go home so Sara can rest" Greg whispered to me

"Ok" I said as I gave Sara her baby back

"I will see you at home tomorrow" she told me as I walked out of the room to the car

In the car I looked out my window as i was about to fall asleep and saw Jet. Shit this is not good I thought he really is back. then I fell asleep

Sorry I lied this one was boring too

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