Ideas 9

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"Hello people!" Ringo greeted us.

"Hey RIngs." John said out of breath.

"What were you all doin'? Runnin' from fans?" He asked.

"No we just think some one is following us." John replied, sitting down.

Me and Maria went to the kitchen.

"George?" I asked George as he sat down.


"Who is he?" I asked in a whisper.

"I dont know. But i have a feeling he is connected to the window." He replied.

"He may come up here!" Maria suggested.

George went to the front door and looked out.

"George, what are you lookin' at?" John asked sounding a bit irritated.

He shut the door. "Nothing!"

John got up. "Where'd Brian go, Ringo?"

"Oh yeah! He went to the studio! And wants you and Paul to come. I forgot he wanted me to tell you that..." He grinned nervously.

"RIngo!" John yelled. He grabbed his coat and walked out, slamming the door. Then he walked back in, and walked into Paul's room pulling him along.


"What?" He stopped.

"What are you doing?" Paul asked.

"We have to go cos RIngo forgot to tell us to meet Brian at the studio!"

"Well you dont have to get all angry and be rough with me!"

John let go of Paul's hand. "Come on."

Paul walked out, following John and looking at RIngo and shrugged.


"Its fine Rings, John loses his top alot!" Paul said and John pulls him away.

"I noticed that awhile ago."

I walked out. "I have an idea. George make sure John and Paul make it out safly."

"Ill do that. So he wont be suspicious." Maria volunteered.

"You sure?" George said.

"Yeah!" She walked out.

"Ok George, I have an idea. Do they have Beatle mannequins?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ringo replied. "I can get some for you."

"Just one...and make it Paul," I said, RIngp left.

"Whats your idea?" George asked.

"Well, once Rings gets back."


Ringo got back with a Paul mannequin and set it in the middle of the room.

"This wouldn't fool any one. Hes to handsome." Ringo joked.

"The really one is Cuter. And he has a good hold." I said smiling.

"Well?" George asked anxiously.

"Hold yer horses!" I said. "RIngo pick the dummie up and put him out side. Facing the inside of the room."

Ringo did that and i told them my idea.

"Ok we, well George, you will act like your talking to Paul, tell him to get out or something. Act mad or act happy!"

"Can i yell at him to get out?" George smiled.

"Thats not you!"

"Yeah but i think its fun!"

I rolled my eyes.

"And we'll see if that dummie gets shot...or stabbed," George gasped."What?" I asked

"What if the bullet goes all the way through?" He acted scared.

"The dummie is really thick George." Ringo said.

George relaxed.

"Ok and we'll see what he will try to do."

"What if he creeps in tonight?"

"Hmm Thats a good idea...better! THanks George!" I said.

"Uh your welcome."

"Im gonna tell Paul to sleep some where else tonight and put the dummie in his place."

"You think he'll hit tonight?" RIngo asked.

"All murders are usualy done when people arent around or, when there asleep!" I winked.


We moved the dummie into the closet.

Maria came back and said they were safe.

When the boys got back, Brian, John and Paul, I told  John and Paul what i suspected. 

"Your right. But hes not tryin to kill me!Hes watchin' us but not tryin to kill any one!" Paul explained.

"Well we got a dummie of you and its in your bed." I told him.

"Where will i sleep?"

"On the couch."

"What about you?" 

"On the floor."

"No you take the couch ill take the floor." Paul insisted.

"OK." I shrugged.

We got everything sorted out and ate dinner. John slept in the living room too, probably scared that he might be in danger as well, but he didnt tell any one.

I laid awake, pulled my covers up to my nose, and waiting to hear anything from Paul's room. I soon fell asleep.

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