Goodbye to Safty 16

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Brian was just locking the doors when we arrived.

He was surprised to see us all advancing towards him.

"What are you lot doing here?" He asked.

"We...the guys are in the appartment, we jumped threw the window, Maria and George were in the cafe." John explained.

"Are they still there?" Brian asked.

"We dont know...OH!" John exclaimed then put his hand over his mouth.

"What?" I asked.

"My song. I left it in the room." He frowned.

"They wouldn't take the song, it was us they were after." Paul said.

"I guess your right." John sighed.

"Ill call the police," Brian unlocked the studio doors and we all walked in. Brian dialed the police and then we walked out and headed to the hotel.

When we got there the squad cars were outside the building. The officer in command was waiting outside for us.

"Well?" Brian asked.

"No one is in there, but they were in there, the doors been tinkered with and one bedroom door is busted open." He reported.

"Where'd they go?" Brian asked.

"Either jumped through the window when they heard us coming or left before you called us or we got here." He replied.

"John Paul, girls, you better go with the guards up to the room George and RIngo and i will follow." Brian said turning to us.

I looked around searching for a figure or two, but didn't see anything. I followed the boys, who were in between some bobbies. Paul and John looked afraid, but it wasn't noticeable i only noticed it cos i felt Paul's hand trembling, i figured John was too.

We got to the room safely and the police left us. Brian locked the door and bolted it on the top.

Paul and I sat on the couch, our hands still together. George and Maria went into there room, Ringo sat across from us reading the news, Brian went to his room, and John quickly went to his room. 

"Got everything John?" I called to him. 

He poked his head out. "Yes. Thankfully."

"Told you." Paul said.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, i felt tired, Ringo yawned across and it made me yawn. 

"Well shall we all go to sleep?" Ringo asked looking at me.

"Huh? Oh yeah, guess so." I got up and stretched. 

"Well night Rings." Paul said. I gave him a hug and he went to bed. Me and Paul went into the room John was in.

I went to the bath and brushed my teeth, the boys did too. We all three went back out to the living room and went back to our makeshift beds. Brian turned the lights off and we were left in complete darkness except for the moon shining through the window, I could see John's hair shining and Paul's face on the pillow sleeping, i laid my head down and fell asleep.

I woke up and looked at my watch. It was 1am. I tried going back to sleep but couldn't, so i walked into the kitchen. I reached to turn the switch when a strong hand grabbed my wrist and a hand covered my mouth. I struggled, a man come up to my face, his face was big-ish.

The man who had hold of me dragged me out side the room, i tried to make noise but couldn't.

He took me outside of the hotel and and into a truck. I heard the doors lock and felt around the door, I felt a bulge on the inside i put my ears up to it. It was a safes timing mechanism. I was gagged so i could not scream or yell, i couldn't try banging because my hands were tied.

I sat back against the wall tired, and scared. I heard the doors to the truck open again and they threw some one else in. I looked at the figure trying to get up and just as the door shut made out who it was, it was Maria.

I hit the floor with my foot, she turned. I made a couple more taps and she replied with the same amount. It was our code we made up in school.

She sat down next to me, then the door reopened and two more people were put in. It was John and Paul. I heard some more doors open then shut then the engine started and we were moving. Away from safety away from friends, away from home. Tears started to fill my eyes, Maria was trying to get behind me. I realized she was trying to loosen me and so i turned. She undid the knot after 10 minutes of trying then i took my gag off and did hers. We both went over too John and Paul's bodies.

"Paul?" I asked him.

No reply.

"Paul!?" I shook him worriedly.

"Hanna, i think they may of been drugged." Maria said.

"Sleeping or poisoned?"

"Sleeping, they'll wake up soon." She said.

I laid my head on Paul's stomach waiting for him to revive.

"Hanna, where do you think they were?" Maria asked.

"I, i dont know." I said confused. "Did George wake up when they took you?"

"He did but they hit him and he was knocked out. I wish Ringo heard, or Brian!"

"Me too..." I heard Paul moan and jumped up.

"PAUL!?" I whispered loudly.

"John's comin to, too!" 

Paul sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Wwhere are we?"

"In a truck, we've been kiddnapped.

"WHy did they take you girls?" John growled, he re covered fast.

"Because...i dont know. THey didn't want us to figure out where you were." I shrugged.

"Where are they taking us?" Paul asked

"How would i know?" I said.

We were in the car for 3 hours, its was 4am when the truck stoped abruptly and the front doors slamed shut and we heard some thing spraying. I started feeling dizzy and all went black, i couldn't hear anything. My eyes opened up and i was on a bed, with the others laying down on 3 other beds. We were prisnors now.

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