It's her

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I can't stop smiling lately. I don't know why, but maybe it's because Lauren. I'm not sure but whenever I speak to her she makes me feel this type of safety. I don't know if this makes sense but my heads been all over the place lately. I though that I was 100% straight before me and Lauren started talking. And then suddenly she comes out of the blue and makes me question my sexuality.

I actually have a nickname for her but I'll never tell her it to her face. It's 'Planet green eyes'. It's lame I know, but her eyes. Fuck don't even get me started with them. I could look at them every minute of every day and not get bored.

"Who's got you all smiley mila?" My room mate (and bestfriend) Dinah asked.

"Can't a girl just be happy?" I ask cheekily back.

"Well yes and I'm glad that you're happy again. It's better than seeing you sitting around the place crying. But tell me the truth, I know you and I also know that you haven't been this happy since what's his face was around." She says. One thing that you should know about Dinah is she never liked Austin. She would never tell me why she never but since she first met him she couldn't stand to be around him.

"You can say his name you know." I respond.

"I know that but I just don't want to. So I will never say his name. But now going back to what I first asked you, who's got you all smiley?"

"Just someone I met online."

"What have I told you about meeting people online. People lie about who they are." I'll admit she does have a point.

"I don't think she is. She wanted to meet me."

"Ok, but when you do I'm meeting you with her. I don't want this person hurting you and. Wait, hold up, she?"

"Erm yes, she. Lauren to be exact."

"You like a girl?" She asked shocked.

"Yes I guess - I never said I liked her."

"Oh but you was just about too. So tell me about her."

"Well she is - Oh look at the time. Time for work come on Dinah." I say while grabbing her arm and dragging her out of our apartment.

We start work at 8:00am every morning. We're quite lucky because we live only 10 minutes from our work. We work at a little cafe. It's a really friendly place and that's something why I love working there. Everyone that works there and everyone that comes in are the most friendly people you could ever meet. It's so peaceful.

8:45 am

"What can I get you today?" I ask smiling at a women who seems to be in her late 30s.

"Can I get 2 coffees, 2 hot chocolates and 1 ice tea please." She asked politely. Now do you see what I mean about everyone being friendly?

"Of course, Is there anything else you want?"

"Could I also get 5 chocolate chip muffins."

"Of course,that would be £8.99"
She handed me the money and made her way to table 2 where I said I'll take her stuff. It's took about 3 minutes before Dinah came out with the tray for the women. Table 2 was away from the other tables but was one of the biggest. It was in the corner of the room. The same size for a big family. I saw her and what I assume to be her family all laughing with each other. They looked really happy.

"Here you go miss." I say placing the tray on the table.

"Thank you sweet heart."

"If there is anything else you would like just ask. Enjoy." I was about to leave when I felt someone staring right at me. I looked to my right and saw her. It was her. She was sitting at the same table I brought the tray to. It was Lauren.

Writer's note

I hope you like this chapter. If you have any suggestions for this story please feel free to comment.
Anway, I hope you all have a good day/night ❤

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