Chapter 6

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Dedicate to potatointheTARDIS
I have now have an idea of where I want to go with this story but I don't know if I should.

Crap, why did my brother have to walk in at this time?
"What do you want Kyle? I'm not in the mood right now." I'm really not. I don't want him to see me like this. Granted he is not actually my brother, just someone I help and let stay here but he is just like one.

"I'm not Kyle." He responded. At that I spun around and came face to face with the one person I thought I would never see...

"Noah" whispering in shock and shaking my head in disbelief. "What are you doing here?" Uncertainty clouded my thoughts. He's dead and I killed him.

"I'm not dead. Not really." His solemn face was all I could focus on. Those piercing eyes that could see right into my soul.

"I'm talking out loud again aren't I?"

"Yep" came the reply.

"I really need to stop doing that. Well what are you doing here, I thought you were 6 ft under with no chance of coming back." Pulling down my shirt from the cold and sitting on the corner of my bed, I invited him to join me.

"Well... long story short you only thought you killed me and I am actually alive. It was quite a mix up really. I can't believe you thought you had blood on your hands." Was his reply.

After a few moments of processing the new information, the shock finally kicked in. He wasn't dead. He wasn't dead! I'm still hole. It took all of my will power not to jump up off of the bed and start dancing in joy around my room.
"You're really back?" Questioning was a part of my nature and I knew this was too good to be true. I mean, what kind of twisted mind makes you dream that you kill someone.

"HA! I can't believe you fell for it. You're stuck with me now baby. The rest of your life and maybe even death. Of course you killed me. What did you think stabbing me with a knife 5 times would do. Give me a paper cut?" I was shocked. This can't be right. "You better believe it. Now, would you like to meet my friend Dave. He's one hell of a joker."

No!No!"No!" I screamed. "Get out." Then I broke down.

Third person

Rocking back and forth on the ground in a ball, the girl chanted "this can't be real" as if somehow this was all a bad dream she could wake up from. From any onlookers perspective she looked as if she was having a breakdown. Little did they know she had a ghost watching over her. One that would never leave. Haunting her dreams at night and taunting her throughout the day. His soul being one of the few that had latched on to her heart. Bonding the two together.

Ryleigh pov

I guess I bought this upon myself. I mean, what did I expect. I could kill someone and there be no repercussions? I must be stupider than I thought. All I can do now is try to sleep through this nightmare and hope it changes in the morning.

Please check out the person who i dedicated this to. The stories are great.

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