the meeting

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It was 8:00pm alomst time to dusscuse if i could stay on his territory.I had to be on my guared he could attack or not alow to be on his land.The last couple alphas did alow me on thier land so im hoping this one will.I dubled my work out i never knew why i was strong mabey my dad was a alpha.I alwas wonder why my family was killed i have had dreams of that night and the man with the black eyes.I was found two dayes after the accsident i was sent to an orphanage.I got ready and i headed to his lands border i was stopped by a male which i thought was his beta.He asked me who i was and why i was here i told him i had bussnes with the alpha and he took me to his office.I took a seat near the desk and waited for the alpha.


I was headed to my dads room he was alpha beta told me that some guy had bussnes with him.I woke him up and told him what beta told me. he got dressed and wet to his office.


I took a shower got dressed and i went to my office.there was a guy i think was in high school and asked him his name he said his name was he said nick.I asked him if he was a rogue and he said he didin't know what a rogue was and he told me that he was an orphan,and that his parents were werewolfe's to and were sloterd when he was two.


I told him iwas a orphan and that my parents were killed he gave me permition to be on his land.I had walked here so i turned wolf and ran through the forest.


I asked my dad how it went and he told me he was an orphan AN ORPHAN!!! i felt kinda bad for him he said his parents were slatered when he was two.He said that he gave him permition to be on our land.I went out for my night run and i saw a midnight black wol bigger than my dads wolf sprint into the woods i ran in side to tell my dad and ask him if he said what color his wolf was and my dad said black and why because his wolf is bigger than yours! he said thats not possible i am alpha no wolf is bigger than an alpha.


When i hered what she said i whent to see for my self i turned into my gray wolfand sprinted after him i saw him and he was in human form so i went to ask him to turn.

[hey nick could you shift]

[sure what for]

[i want to see the size of your wolf]

When he shifted i was suprised his wolf was two times bigger than mine.


I trotted away and maded my wolf form smaller he gaped iwent behined a tree turned and i put clothes on.He sprinted back right as he same wolf from two nights ago she looked at me and sprinted away.I went to the orphanage and i went to bed.There were five other people three boyes and two girels the girles were in middle school same with the boyes.I got up and headed to school.Just when i got to my locker she came up to me she was the one that saw me run off into the woods.Hey weren't you the person that had a meeting with my dad.Wate whoes your dad.The alpha that was smaller than you.Oh him yeah why.


Is it true you can really change the size of wolf.Yeah why are you so interested in me because no one is bigger than a alpha and no one can chanege the siz of their wolf.


Alright see ya and i walked away.Iwent to lunch and sat under te tree i always sat at.Shecame and sat next to me hi.Why are you following me.Because your intressting.I thought that you figured that out.the bell rang and i got up and went to home roomshe had the same class as me she sat next to me.class talk for the rest of home room.She started to talk o me i ignord her an got out paper and startd to draw a whit wolf howling at the mon then she waved a hand infront of my face.Hellow earth to whats your name?Nickolis.


So why was your family killed.I don't like to talk about it.! the entire class looked at me.then the bell rang.


no!I isaid louder this time the class looked at me then the bell rang and i got out of their as quickly as possible.I went to my last class and then i got on my bike and rode to the orphange i put a pan on the stove and i made dinner then i went to take a shower and then went for a run the when i was laying in the middle of the woodes somthing takled me i looked up and saw a wolf that looked pissed i changed into my biest wolf size ad made it summit then i went to go home when it atacked me from my back side then i was pissed and let my wolf take over he threw the wolf up in the air then he put a paw on its head and then howled which would make som of the pack membes from the pack that is on this territory come i waited and finnaly the alpha and his beta came i aked if thif wolf was in thire pack and he said it was his daughter i apoligized and told him what happend he aked his daughter what hapend and she said she let her wol take control and it said find mate and led me here and she tackled nick.


How could she of already founde her mate she just turned 18 yesterday and nick is 17.Exuse me but what is a mate.You don't know what a mate is?Its a person made to be with you.


Oh so your daughter is my mate yes but you can only find one when your 18.Well it is my 18th birthday.What did you say its my 18th birthday.Sorry for asking about your parents deth said skylar


Skylar what did you just say i said that i asked about his parents deth why just go home. Um where do you plan on staying.I don't know i will probibly live in the forist thats  why i came out here.


I was looking for a spot to lay on.Hey we have a spare bedroom at my house.Sure sir so do you know why my famaly was sloterde.Yes hunters they hunt our kind now folow me to the house.



Skylar came in to wake me up when i was already dressed and awake.She said come on we have school nick.I got out and jumped on my bike when skylar came and jumped on.What do you think you are doing?Were mates so get use to it and she kissed me on the cheek so why did you kiss me?Well we are going out.What and then we rode away.When we got there every one was talking about us the blond group gave her deth glares and one cam up and was about to ask me some thing when skylar said back off whore he's with me.   

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