Chapter three~ The shirts...

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Ashton’s POV.

I didn’t even realize I fell asleep. My eyes were still blurry from just waking up. I looked over at my shoulder closest to the window. Macy had fallen asleep on it. I couldn’t help but smile. I looked around at everyone else still asleep. Calum was passed out on the couch across from us; Luke was asleep on the other side of our couch with Niki’s head on his shoulder like Macy was to me. It was only 2:00 Am and I decided to just go back to sleep. I didn’t want to wake Macy up by moving and I was still really tired. I rested my head back on hers that lay on my shoulder. As soon as I closed my eyes our manager came running to where we are.

“Ok guys get up!” he yelled. I didn’t want to open my eyes. It was too early.

“Were at the airport and we have to make our flight. Hurry up.” He repeated.

I opened my eyes to calum staring at me with a smirk on his face. I looked at him confused and he then directed his eyes to Macy that was just waking up from my shoulder. Calum then winked at me. Man it was too early for this talk. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.

Macy’s POV

I woke up on Ashton’s shoulder to the yelling of their manager. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I couldn’t believe this wasn’t a dream. I got up and walked over to Niki who was getting her stuff from the bunks.

“What time is it?” she asked me making sure she had all of her stuff.

“I don’t know but it’s too early.” I said sitting down on the bunk where my stuff was. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was 2:13 am.

“It’s two in the morning.” I told Niki and finally got up the energy to pick up my stuff and walk to the front of the bus. The boys were there with their stuff too. They all looked half asleep too. Michal sat on the couch waiting for the manager to let us know when to go. There will a million flashes of lights from cameras.

“I’m blind!” Michael screamed closing the blind quick and holding his eyes. I would have laughed but it was too early I wasn’t fully awake.

“What the hell are they doing up this early?” Niki said confused. “What is their problem?”

Everyone seemed to smile a bit, but again we were all pretty tired and didn’t laugh.

Their manager came bursting through the door. “Ok guys time to go.” He said urging us into the crowd of blinding lights.

Calum was first out the doors and the girls went crazy. Luke took Niki’s hand and guided her through the crowd. It was so cute how protective he was of her, but wait did this mean that they were a couple? I need to talk to her.  Ashton and I went next to go through the door of the bus. The lights were blinding. I covered my eyes the best that I could. Girls screamed everywhere for the boys. Ashton saw my struggling and handed me the pair of sunglasses he was wearing.

“Thanks.” I managed to say over the screaming.

Ashton just nodded understanding and we walked into the airport. Surprisingly unlike the outside the airport itself was deserted. We all survived the craziness and walked trough security. It was amazing what a difference it made when no one was there. Everything went so quick.

“Have you ever been on a private jet before?” calum asked me making conversation while walking through the airport.

I shook my head no.

“Well you’re in for a teat. These things are sick.” Calum said walking ahead. He put his beats on and boarded the plane. I walked through the gate and when I saw the inside of the plane I was instantly amazed. There were couches and chairs and everything was so fancy. I guess this was a little step up from coach. I took a seat next to Niki on a couch and instantly fell asleep after the plane took off. Everyone else basically did the same. Well it was 4 in the morning now. What else would you expect?

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