Chapter seven~ Finally

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We all finished taking down the drum set. I still had my mind on Ash and what was going to happen next. He didn’t officially ask me out so how was I suppose to act. Like his girlfriend or just a friend. This is so confusing. I can’t tell Niki yet until its official. The boy’s manager wanted to talk to the boys alone about their performance so Niki and I took the last of the stuff out to the bus. 

“So nick are you and Luke doing anything cool for the boys day off tomorrow?” I asked as we got onto the tour bus.

“I think we’re just going to walk the beach and enjoy the sun. Then later on get some star bucks.” She said sitting in the seat across from me.

“That sounds great hope you guys have a great time!” I said happy for my best friend and then looked down at my phone.

 “So anything new between you and ash?”  Niki said catching me off guard.

I shot up from my phone and said “what? No nothing. I wish, but no nothing.”

She knew I was a bad liar and that comeback was really bad.

“Really mace? Because I know when you’re not telling me something.” She said trying to get it out of me.

“Honestly I don’t really know what’s going on between us. Nick I would tell you if there was anything you should know.” I said honestly and put my ear buds in.

The boys walked on the bus and ash smiled at me taking a seat next to me. I couldn’t help but smile back. He sat so close to me too.

“What are you listening to?” he asked taking an ear bud out of my ear and putting it into his. “Out of my limit.” He said

I couldn’t help but blush I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for listing to their music right after their concert. Thankfully it didn’t seem to faze ash and he listened to my music all the way back to the house.

The bus ride back to the house was longer then getting to the place due to all the traffic. We didn’t get home until really late. As soon as we got back we all instantly went up to our rooms and all fell asleep.

I woke up to Niki screaming in my ear.

 “Macy! Macy!” Niki yelled shaking me.

“What do you want?”I said sleepily

“What shirt should I wear to go on my date with Luke today?” she said holding up two shirts.

“That one.” I said pointing to the shirt that was a crop top that said “hakuna matata” on it.

“thanks!” she said and ran out to get changed.

Well now I was awake. Since I couldn’t go back to sleep I got up and brushed my hair and headed down stairs.  I walked down the stairs rubbing my eyes that were still blurry from waking up. I headed straight for the kitchen to eat breakfast. I entered the door way and was attacked by a quick hug by Niki.

“Bye mace.” She said and headed out the door with Luke for their day of fun.

“bye nick.” I said but they were already out the door.

I turned back and saw that Michael and calum were the only ones down eating breakfast.

“Nice pajamas.” Calum said laughing looking at my “sleep all day” tank top and black shorts. Michael then laughed too.

“You’re the one talking. You’re just wearing shorts and a shirt. I wasn’t the only one too tired to change.” I said noticing that he was still in his pajamas too.

“whatever.” Calum said going back to eating his cereal. That’s right calum feel defeat.

I then put waffles in for myself. I turned on the radio that was in the kitchen. One of my favorite songs came on. Best song ever by One Direction. I got my plate for my waffles by spinning and doing stupid dance moves. I didn’t worry about Calum and Michael seeing me because they were eating in the other room.

“Nice dance moves.” Ashton said coming up from behind me and scaring me so bad that I dropped the plate.

“Shit!” I said bending down to pick up the pieces. Meanwhile Ashton just started laughing. After a little bit I did too. He then knelt down and helped me pick up the pieces.

“You are a pretty good dancer though.” He said as we both stood up and threw away the pieces.

“Stop lying.” I said getting a new plate and putting my waffles on them.

“No really it’s pretty cute.” He said and I could feel myself blush.

Ashton got a bowl of cereal and we both ate in the room with the boys.

“What was that loud crash?” Michael said as we sat down.

“Mace just dropped a plate while she was busting a move that’s all.” he said taking a spoon full of cereal.  He just called me by my nickname. Only Niki did that. I couldn’t help but smile even though I wanted to hit him for making fun of me.

“Oh really Macy busting a move?” Calum asked confused laughing.

“No it was nothing. I just dropped a plate.” I said eating my waffle

“Umm hum. Whatever you say.” Calum said laughing.

“Well I’m headed out to the shops around here. Coming cal?” Michael said

“Yeah I’m just going to throw on a shirt be right back.” Calum said taking the last bite of cereal and heading up to grab a shirt. Within seconds he was back downstairs with a shirt and a snap back on.

“Bye ash we’ll be back soon.” Calum said on his way out.  “Bye macy!”

“bye cal! Bye Mikey! Have fun!” I said as they headed out the door.

“And then there were two.” I said and got up to put my plate away.

Ashton followed me into the kitchen. I put my plate in the sink and he put his bowl in too right after mine. He then spun me around. He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Mace. I need to ask you something.” Ash said blushing and looking down. I was still in his arms. Not that I was complaining but I was a bit confused with this whole scenario.

“What is it...?” I said smiling trailing off.

Ash then looked me in the eyes and said “will you be my girlfriend?”

A huge smile formed on my face. I couldn’t keep it away. I probably looked stupid because I was smiling so big. I couldn’t find the words to say.

“So I’m guessing by your reaction that’s a yes?” Ashton said laughing a bit.

I just nodded my head.

"good because I have a great day for us. For our fist date." Ash said pulling me in for a kiss.

It finally happened....He Finally asked me.


Hope you guys liked it!!! The next few chapters are going to be really good I sware! Thanks so much to all of you that actually read this! :D hope you like my story so far! -macy xx

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