Johnny Girl Chapter I

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Dave sighed softly through his nose, staring listlessly into space through his shades. He had his head propped up on the heel of his hand and he was drumming his fingers against his temple in time with the seconds that ticked by on the clock. His other hand was making small circles in the light dust on the counter. He hated boredom, but he couldn't very well let John be stupid without him. So here he was.

Glancing up, he allowed his red eyes to wander up and down John's form. The younger had a chair that he could sit in, but had risen to his feet in excitement when he thought he'd gotten close to calculating a new combo in the Ecto-Machine (I hope that's what it's called).

Dave, though bored out of skull, still had to remind himself not to stare at John for too long, or he might start thinking indecent things. Sighing again, he turned back to a fixed point on the wall, drumming his fingers against the tabletop with renewed, yet still quiet, vigor.

After another fifty million freaking years, he heard John give an excited exclamation. "Yes!" the blue-eyed boy said in a hushed yet still excited voice. Dave glanced up again, half-expecting John to say "wait...nevermind."

However, he didn't change his idea this time, and rapidly typed in a few combos into the stupid machine. Dave lifted his head off his palm ever so slightly, a little intrigued.

John kept working, a goofy grin spreading onto his face, and he looked up at Dave, which made the blonde's heart jump. "Dave, get over here, I think I got it!"

Dave groaned softly and made a show of standing and stretching a little before walking over to his friend's side, reminding himself not to get so close.

Johns hands flew over button after button in a dazing flurry, and Dave didn't even bother to keep up with his motions. After a few moments, Dave said, "John, what are you trying to even do?" Though it was a question, the blonde boy's voice was slightly monotonous at the end, like always.

John looked back up excitedly, a mischievous glint in his eyes, and Dave got a bad feeling. "If I'm correct, this should be the best prank we've ever pulled on anyone!"

"We?" Dave interjected, but John kept talking.

"I set it up so that it would change the genetic makeup of an organism, and I tested it on a couple of frogs, so its safe. If it still goes right, we can change the genetic makeup of one of the trolls!"

Dave stood there, poker-faced. "And?" he asked.

John rolled his eyes. "We get Karkat back for being such douche! We can change his body with someone else's too, so maybe we can prank Eridan and wipe that cocky I'm-better-than-you-because-I'm-glubbing-royalty smirk off his face by replacing him with the lowest of bloods."

"Why not try that on Gamzee?" Dave mumbled under his breath, but John didn't hear him.

"So, what do you think?" The blue-eyed boy was grinning so wide, Dave was afraid he'd pull a muscle. The blonde blinked behind his glasses, taking another look at the many numerous controls he'd never remember how to use. It'd been a long time since he'd gotten a good laugh at someone else's expense, and this seemed like a good way to snatch up the opportunity.

He looked up at John, the smallest of smirks forming in the corner of his mouth. "Sounds fucking awesome, Egbert," he said, and John's eyes lit up with happiness.

"YES! Okay, so now I just need to calibrate it and send it to the proper location." The Heir bent back down to the control panel and went to work again. After a few moments, he lifted up slowly and brought his index finger down onto an unimportant-looking blue button, pressing it dramatically. "Perfect."

The machine gave a little whir in the background, building up speed.

And then the room went black.


Did it escalate at the end too quickly? I wanna make this a cliffhanger, but if I do, the next chapter will be ridiculously short. So this'll be Chapter 1 Part 1. Yeah. That works.

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