Johnny Girl Chapter II

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Dave didn't have much time to react to the sudden darkness before a loud whir began to echo throughout the room, like the buzzing of a thousand angry bees trapped inside a metal container.

"John?" he spoke frantically, trying desperately to quell the panic rising in his chest, tearing off his glasses in an effort to allow his eyes to adjust.

A glowing red light from the control panel pulsed every couple of seconds, illuminating the room. John stood in front of it, wide eyed and frightened. The whirring in the room became louder, and electric sparks began to erupt from the panel.

"John, get the hell away from that thing!" Dave exclaimed, grabbing John's wrist and yanking him away from the panel, which was sparking wildly with eerie green and red lights. The room is being illuminated in fucking Christmas, Dave thought irrelevantly.

As the whirring got louder and the sparking got brighter and more frequent, John finally spoke. "Dave, let go! I have stop it!"

"Are you fucking crazy?" Dave screamed as his friend yanked out of grip and began frantically typing in another button combo.

This only succeeded in pissing the machine off further, as shortly after Dave began to watch in horror as the sparks wound their way around John's wrists, and the black-haired boy stiffened, yanking his arms up in an attempt to escape the electric tendrils.

Dave could barely hear himself scream "John!" above the whirring, which sounded more like a chainsaw than anything. He stood, paralyzed with shock and fear, as his friend cried out and fell to his knees, obviously racked with pain.

The last noise that Dave heard was John's scream before the room was engulfed in red and green Fucking-Christmas lights and a giant roar from the Ecto-Machine.


Dave wasn't sure how much time had passed before he came to, and when he did, he wasn't completely sure if he'd actually opened his eyes. It was still dark.

Out of his peripheral vision, however, he could see a blue light glowing and a soft mist whirling around the floor. He groaned and lifted himself up into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger.

Once his vision cleared, he blinked, looking around the room. The whirring was still apparent, but much less threatening, and it sounded more like the machine was trying to cool down than kill them. His eyes landed on the overturned chair next to the control panel, and the faint outline of a person, unconscious on the ground.

All of his senses snapped back and he quickly crawled over to the blue-clad form, sitting back on his knees and running his hand shakily through his hair.

"Shit, uh...John. John? John, wake up. John, please." He struggled to keep his voice from cracking, gingerly wrapping a tentative hand around the sleeping form and pulling John up into his arms.

John's face was almost hidden completely by the blue hood. Dave carefully reached up and pushed the fabric off his friend's head.

And almost immediately dropped John's body, pushing himself backward and away from it.

The impact on the floor made the form groan, and it lifted itself up off the floor, bracing its weight on both it's hands.

"D-Dave...? What the...what the hell was that for?" the person spoke, quickly covering their mouth with their hand, disbelieving the voice that had just come out.

Dave swallowed the bad-tasting bile in his mouth, trying to get rid the heavy rock of fear forming in his stomach. "John?" he squeaked, trying to grasp the situation.

"Dave, what happened?" John asked frantically, voice higher than normal, too high to be John's.

"I don't know...but...John...what's wrong with you?" Dave asked.

John looked down at his front, and then back up at Dave before fainting.

Dave crawled over to his friend's side, picking him up again. "No, John, don't do that! Come on, man...girl...we can fix it! Bro, please...sis...fuck it. Come on, John!"

The two teens one-way conversation went on like this for a while, Dave still grappling with the fact that his best bro was now his best sis.

And his best sis was a girl.

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