Chapter 3 : Wolf Attack

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Rin and I awoke the next morning and heard the sounds of screams outside of our cabin.

Rin shot me a scared look as a scratching and growling noise was heard on the cabin door,I looked at rin "stay here" I said low and walked to the door, I breath as I slowly open the door to be tackled by a brown wolf.

Rin screamed as I put my arms under its throat to avoid being bit, I grabbed its neck and twisted it listening to a snap, after gathering some food supplies me and rin ran outside and saw that our village was being attacked by wolves, not just a pack of wolves, a colony.

I looked up at one of the elders' cabins to see a guy with black hair and a furr kelt standing ontop of a roof "eat what you want im going back" he said before disappearing within a small tornado, taking off into the woods.

Nine wolves came at us, I looked at Rin "run!" I said, Rin turned and took off into the woods, four wolves ran by me and after Rin while the others circled me, growling, snarling, and barking. "hey my eyes are up here,I'm not a piece of meat" I say grabbing my knives, I flung them sideways turning them into swords, I then put them together "two together, together as one.....LINK!" I say and the swords connected making one sword, as the wolves ran at me I jumped into the air,when I come down I stab my sword into the ground and spikes shot out from the ground impaling the wolves.

After standing up and sighing I soon hear a childish scream from a distance "RIN!" I shouted running into the woods and there I saw her motionless body underneath wolves. Little did I know Sesshomaru and jaken were watching me. I clicked my tongue getting the wolves attention and gripped my sword, the wolves stalked towards me and pounced I ran at them with inhuman speeds and killed them one by one : I cut off ones head, sliced ones stomach, slit ones throat, and for the last wolf I shoved my hand down its throat and ripped its heart out. I looked up to see Sesshomaru and the little imp staring at me with there mouths wide open. "take a picture it might last longer" I said leaning down to Rin.

Sessomaru's P.O.V

I looked down at the two girls and wielded my Tenseigia, I felt a pulse beat from the blade and I looked at my sword in confusion "intresting" I said, "what are you doing my lord!?!" jaken asked. "im doing another test" I reply and feel a tight grip on my arm "If you so much as harm her I swear to god I will kick your ass" Y/N said before releasing my shoulder and backing up. I squinted my eyes at the motionless human girls body and seen gaurdians of the underworld appear, I slashed Tensaigia and watched the gaurdians fade away.

With a sigh, I knelt down and I brought the human girl onto my lap and felt a pulse, soon the girl looked up at me and me, jaken and Y/N gasped. I slid the girl off my lap and stood up watching her for awhile before walking away, to my suprise Rin and Y/N followed me. Tenseigia you compelled me to save a human life today. I thought to myself and continued walking.

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