Chanyeol (Scary+Sneak Peak)

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A/N: This is to get in the mood for Halloween. Also this is a sneak peak for a new fic of mine. Enjoy!
The unforgiving frosty air nipped at your nose, but you kept walking and held your coat closer to your body. You questioned how it was already so cold and it was only the beginning of Fall, you sighed as you thought about how much of a heavy snow you were going to receive when the winter comes around. At least you'd get a white Christmas, which you were sure many kids were asking for this year to Santa. You turned a corner and slid slightly along the sidewalk on black ice and regained your balance.

"I have to hurry." You thought to yourself. "I have to hurry and see him while he's still awake." You looked down at your phone and saw that you still had an hour before the hospital closed its visiting hours. You trudged harder, so much so you could see your breath blowing in front of your face, blinding your vision momentarily.

You saw EMT's parked and you knew you were getting closer, you turned another corner and rushed to the front door of the emergency room entrance. You walked to the front desk and met with a man who looked less than interested to be there. You were sure that you could've just walked in without him noticing, or care enough to notice.

"Hello sir." You bowed. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I'd like to see Park Chanyeol please." Your fingers tapped impatiently on the desk and your patience was wearing thin. The receptionist took his time as he wrote your name, the date, and room number on a sticker. Once he was finished, he slowly slid the sticky paper to you. You snatched it off the desk and forced a fake smile.

"Thank you sir." You heard him mumble, "You're welcome." But you were already far enough away for him to not be heard. You hurried into the elevator and a pressed the number '5' button repeatedly, as if it would make the lift go any faster.

"Come on, come on! Can't this stupid thing go any faster, it's 2015 for God's sake!" You snapped bitterly as the elevator passed by each floor at a snails pace. The doors opened as you reached the fifth floor and instantly you went searching for Chanyeol's room. It wasn't hard to find, but when you opened the door, his appearance hit you like a ton of bricks. He looked so pale, thinned, and fragile. You were afraid to open a window only because you feared that maybe the wind would sweep him away. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You clenched your fist and sat in the seat next to his bed. He was sound asleep, probably due to the medicine the doctors were giving him. You reached your hand and intertwined it with his and squeezed gently. You bit your lip to suppress the buildup of tears threatening to spill.

"God how did this even happen? Why couldn't it be me instead of you?" You whispered as silent sobs escaped you. You weren't his girlfriend, you weren't his family, but you were the closest thing that he had. You loved him like a wife would love a husband, but you cared for him like a mother would to their child. And when you got the call it shattered you into a million different pieces that only he could pick up, but here he is, lying in a hospital bed clinging onto his life. You cursed yourself for not getting here earlier when he was awake, but your boss wouldn't let you leave your job. Claiming that he 'desperately needed you in work.' and wouldn't let you off for another four hours. Though you needed some way of being able to pay these hospital bills that were going to drown you with debt.

"I'm actually glad that it was me instead of you Y/N." You looked up and saw Chanyeol weakly smiling at you. "I would be devastated if it were you."

You sniffled and giggled, pushing away stray pieces of his silver hair from his face. "You have no idea Channie how heartbroken I am. I thought I had lost you. No one told me anything about what really happened to you and I was just so scared." You began to cry harder into your hands.

"Hey don't cry Y/N." Chanyeol cooed. He patted a spot next to him on the bed and you hesitantly crawled in with him, snuggling into his chest, being careful to not injure him.

"I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." You brokenly admitted. You felt Chanyeol tense up but then relax after another moment. He kissed the top of your forehead and rubbed small circles on your arm.

"Why don't you get some sleep Y/N. You look worse than I do." He teased a wide smile spread across his face. You pouted, but he was right, you hadn't slept ever since you found out he was in the hospital. You were beyond exhausted, but your nerves kept you up and you only had four hours of sleep total.

"Okay you're right, just please wake me up if you need anything. I mean it Chanyeol." You told him sternly.

"I will Y/N, now go to sleep before you pass out." You sighed and nodded, snuggling closer to his side and letting sleep finally over ride your senses.

Chanyeol's P.O.V.

Once she was finally sleep, I finally opened my eyes. Something told me that it was still there, but I was too afraid to confront it. I just hope that she won't see it, I hope the doves don't see it either or I'm fucked. I'm so hungry, but I'm repulsed by anything that the hospital will give me. It's all my favorite foods, but I just can't stomach it.

I don't completely remember why I'm in this place right now, but I do know one thing for sure.


I walked out of the subway and quickly walked the route to my house. I know Y/N's worried sick, she's been working so much lately and I'm afraid to tell her that I just got fired once again. She gives and gives to me, and I feel like utter shit because I can't take the load off of her shoulders. She's so caring and understanding, I don't understand how I was able to find someone like her. She's all mine, I wanted to make tonight special and admit to her how I feel for her, but of course something just had to come in the way of that.

I took a left turn and saw some students walking on the opposite part of the street, and stuffed my hands in my pockets. I decided I was going to take the shortcut down this abandoned construction sight. I felt a strange presence, but I shrugged it off and kept walking. And then suddenly this girl who didn't look much younger than me was standing in front of me. I heard soft whimpers coming from her and I went over to check to see if she was doing alright.

"Hey miss?" I tapped her shoulder and crouched low to match her height. "Are you doing alright? If you're lost I'd be happy to try and help you-"

"No that won't be necessary." She turned and clutched her cold bony hands on my shoulders. "But thank you for helping, I'm just very hungry." She bit down hard onto my shoulder and I cried out in pain. I shoved her arm and gripped tightly onto my shoulder and felt light headed from the amount of blood I'm losing. I went as fast as I could, but it was too dark and I could slowly start to feel myself becoming weaker.

I heard an evil, vile laugh coming closer towards me and I fell to my knees. All I saw was the world moving in different directions.

"I love when my food decides to run. It makes the thrill of eating more amplified." I felt a sharp overbearing pain being shot through my stomach, I felt myself being lifted high in the air, but I was too weak to cry out anymore. And just as the world was fading away, I heard my attacker scream and a heavy impact crushed the both of us, and that's when I entered a pitch black abyss.

End of flashback

So now here I am, stuck in this hospital bed with more questions than answers. All the doctors say I'm fine, but I know I'm not and I think they know that too.

"Chanyeol." I looked over and felt my heart sink at the terrified expression ridden across Y/N's face. Her finger was shaking and her mouth was agape. "Y-your eye."


A/N: If you hadn't already guessed, my next fanfic will be based off of Tokyo Ghoul! I'm so excited to write it and even more excited for you guys to read it! See you all in a little bit. Comment, Vote, Request. I love you all <3

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