Jongdae (Cute+Sweet)

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You sat at your office desk, more than done with the day, well the week for that matter. Your boyfriend had dumped you, claiming that 'you're too much work' or whatever that means. Your boss had you swamped in paperwork and you had realized that the elevator in your apartment was broken; and you lived on the very top floor.

While all of this sucked very badly it was okay because the one thing that kept a smile on your face and a will to persevere was your co-worker Jongdae. He preferred to be called Chen when at work for professional reasons, but you still rebelled and called him by his real name.

"Hey Jongdae?" You tapped his shoulder while biting your lip to stop laughs threatening to burst from you at any moment. He sighed heavily and turned around and held his hands on his hips.

"Tsk tsk tsk Y/N. How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that at work?" He scolded, but you couldn't take him seriously and he himself couldn't take his scolding seriously. He chuckled and messed up your hair. "How are you doing today Y/N?"

You sighed and avoided his question. It was a crappy week and you really didn't want to come off as whiny.

"Jee is it that bad Y/N?"

"You don't even know the half of it."

"Tell me, I'm willing to listen." He sent you a sweet smile and leaned his head against his hand. You smiled back at him and felt comforted, which was something you had needed due to the shit week you had so far. So you told him the story, from start to finish, and when you were finished his jaw was to the floor.

"Wow." He said in disbelief. You nodded and laughed at his reaction.

"I know right? I don't even know how I survived this week, let alone stay alive long enough to tell the story." You teased which earned you a giggle from Jongdae.

His nose scrunched up and he covered his eyes with the palm of his hand.

'He is so cute' You thought to yourself. You always had a little crush on him since you started working here a few months ago, but you pushed your feelings away since you thought it was unprofessional to have a romantic relationship with someone you worked with.

"Let me take you out for drinks later after we get off work. I think you're more than deserving of a little treat." He winked and a rush of heat went to your cheeks, nonetheless you accepted his offer.

"I'd love that Jongdae, thank you."

For the rest of that day you were bursting at the seams with excitement for your if that's what you'd call it? Whatever. You thought to yourself. It doesn't matter, I'm just going to have a good time with a friend.


When you reached home that day, you raided your closet to find the perfect outfit. You must've tried on at least thirty different combinations of outfits, purses, and shoes; and you said no to every single one of them when you saw yourself in the mirror.

What am I getting myself worked up over anyway? It's not even a date.

You thought you were being silly seeing as you were stressing yourself out over nothing, but you also couldn't help that it meant something to you. Your feelings grew for Jongdae as each moment passed and a flurry of butterflies wouldn't stop rumbling in your tummy.

Once you were confident in the outfit you were wearing, you got in your car and drove to a local bar where the two of you were meeting. You sat and waited and you got more and more anxious. He was already ten minutes late and you had thought that he had forgotten about you.

And just when I thought this week was going to be better.

Just as you were about to leave, Jongdae came bursting through the door and searched for you, and when he found you sitting alone at a booth, a smile brushed on his face and he walked over to you.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, traffic was absolutely dreadful." He chuckled. He looked stunning, his hair was slicked back and styled in a quiff. He wore a suit that looked to be made to fit only him, and he smelled absolutely divine. All in all, Jongdae is the epitome of perfection.

"You look gorgeous Y/N." You blushed and looked down at your lap. You bit your lip to suppress a smile, but you couldn't help how giddy he made you feel.

"Thank you Jongdae, you cleaned up nicely as well." He thanked you and sat across from you. All that feeling of nervousness melted away and you felt comfortable around him.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Jongdae offered.

You nodded your head. "I'd love nothing more."

The two of you went on, chatting about anything, sharing laughs, and even flirting here and there. It was something you really needed and it was even better since you were spending it with Jongdae.

"Tonight was really nice Jongdae, thank you." You beamed brightly towards him and shivered slightly at the frosty air.

"Before the night ends Y/N, there's one more thing I'd want to do." Before you could ask him what he had in mind, he leaned in a pressed a sweet kiss on your cheek. "I'll see you on our second date next week." He winked and bid you goodbye.

You went to sleep that night ecstatic and blushing like crazy. What a way to brighten up an entire week right?
A/N: hello guys! Thank you for reading I love you all <3
Follow me on Twitter: soybaekhyun
Oh! And be on the watch for a couple new fics I'm going to be writing soon :)

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