Kai (Smut+Romance)

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Your feet padded against the hardwood floors of the dance studio you were currently training at.
"One, two, three. One, two, three." The same numbers repeated over and over as you redid the same moves until you perfected them. You had wanted to be able to keep up with your dance partner for the upcoming shadow case that would have a prize that would earn you enough money to pay the tuition at a school you were desperate to go to. So you practiced, day in and day out, until you were able to be as graceful and elegantly flawless as your partner, Kai. You were envious of the way he was gifted to fluidly move his body and tell a story with his movements and facial features which oozed with compassion and a true love for what he did. Jongin, his actual name which only he let you call him, leaved and breathed and slept dancing.

"You're doing just fine Y/N, there's no need for you to over work yourself." He walked over to you and snickered when you rolled your eyes at him.

"That's so easy for you to say Jongin." You scoffed. "You basically were born dancing. There's no need for you to work your ass off just to accomplish a simple turn." You stretched your arms in front of you and maintained a neat posture. Jongin chuckled from behind you and placed his hands on your waist, halting your actions and feeling your cheeks become heated.

"Let me help you then." He lifted you effortlessly and spun you to face him. The music to the dance was playing and Jongin took a hold of your hand and began the first few steps of the choreography. His arms snaked along your back until they landed just at the small of your back, dipping you low and hoisting you back up to his face. You hadn't noticed the both of you were prancing around the studio until the music stopped and you were snapped out of a trance. A spell really, his spell. You were trapped and intoxicated, but you loved every second of it.

Your met with his and you bit your lip to restrain from doing something stupid, and by something stupid you wanted to kiss him. His thumb caressed your cheek and your breath became a little heavier than normal and you felt your heart speed up.

"I know how I make you feel." Kai whispered, his voice was low and husky, sending a chill up your spine. He leaned in close and you could feel his breath hit your face, though your eyes had fluttered shut due to you being so nervous.

"I love the way I can make you shiver. The way I can make you blush by just a slight touch." His finger tips delicately ghosted over the length of your arm, sending goosebumps to rise over your skin.

You gasped and tilted your head back, your body weight only being supported by the bars and Kai's strength.

"I bet I can get you to scream my name." His fingers lingered dangerously close to the waist band of your tight leggings and tugged slightly, while he nibbled softly on your ear lobe. "Without even trying." He teasingly added and with that your lips smashed with his. His hands gripped your thighs and hoisted you up against a wall. You both feverishly tore each other's clothes off while hungrily kissing each other.

"Enough Kai, just fuck me already." You desperately half moaned, half whined. A smirk spread across his angelic face and he kept total eye contact with you while he moved your panties to the side and entered you. The deliciously stinging bittersweet pain made you cry out in pleasure as his cock stretched your walls, filling you to the brim. You gripped tightly onto his shoulders and buried your face into his neck.

Once he began to move, your senses were tingling and buzzing with bliss and ecstasy and the only thing able to roll off of your tongue was his name over and over and over. High pitched moans and squeals escaped past your lips while deep and hearty groans sounded into your ear from him. The familiar feeling of your orgasm began to bubble in your stomach and when he hit that right spot and with the trail of his sweet sensual kisses, you were bound to meet your high sooner rather than later.

"Yes Jongin, almost there! Almost there!" You screeched out, your voice wavering and cracking with each pant and thrust into you. His fingers traced over the sensitive bud that is your clit and that sent you over the edge. Stars blurred your vision and with the work of him on your clit, your climax was amplified. You bit your lip so hard you could taste the coppery flavor of your crimson blood on your tongue. A few more harsh grunts and fast thrusts, Jongin climaxed just as hard as you did, feeling each shot of his warm cum spill into you and leaking down your legs. You gasped when the creamy white substance filled you and you whined when he pulled out.

"Your elegance and beauty has me under your complete control Y/N. When you dance, you don't realize how astonished and captivated I truly am. I feel as if you're going to sprout wings and become one of the Angels. I guess in short, I've fallen for you. And I fell for you hard."

His sweet words echoed in your head and you couldn't help but smile. Your hands held his face, which had a thin sheen of sweat over it, and kissed his swollen lips sweetly. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and bit your lip.

"I love what you to me. I love you too. I'm yours, I'm all yours."
A/N: this was literally supposed to be something cute and adorable and not rough sweaty smut. Oops.....it happened lol anwyayyyy comment.vote.request I love you all <3

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