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katy saw the expression on my face, and she could tell that someting was wrong.

she asked whats wrong and i just,set left the computer screen on and walked out of the room. i think she had read it, cuz when she walked into my room she said, " honey just ignore them, their just jelouse of the great experience we had :)" she gave me a hug and by then it was 11:30.

we decieded to call it a night.

i dreamed about that night i had with liam and drifted into sleep with a smile on my face.

katys p.o.v

lately kaylas been being bullied just cuz she went to a 1D

and stupid people are jelouse.

i havent fallen asleep yet cuz i got a text from an unknown number, i asked WHO IS THIS? the unknown number replied THIS IS NIALL, U GAVE ME UR NUMBER BEFORE RUNNING AWAY YESTERDAY MORNING.....

i didnt actually think he would accept my number. i dont want to tell kayla, she might get jelouse.


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