[4-september 13]

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damn. stupid boys. stupid friends. why does the universe hate me? first my family, and now this? FUCK! ugh! damnit. okay. whew. alright. i'm calm. ok. maybe i should tell you what the hell i'm talking about.

so..... Shay has a new boyfriend. his name is Marcus, and he is a 100% mother-fudging asshole. 100%, no joke. he is one of the beefiest guys in our school. you would think 'all brawn and no brains' would apply to him, but no. it doesn't. he has brains alright. they're just made to irritate and annoy the hell out of people! i would call him the Devil's spawn, but that would be insulting the Devil. (btw, i'm an atheist, but that doesn't mean that i disrespect other religions)

anyway, back to hating people. you want the story? here you go:

i'm just walking to class like normal, and suddenly Marcus comes out of nowhere and knocks all of my books out of my hand! but see, this is normal for me if i'm walking alone without Shay. i'm the good-girl nerd (but i'm no rat), and therefore, i am the victim of most bully-ings. so anyway, i just ignore him and start to pick all of my books up, when Shay comes. now, Shay and i have been friends forever, but apparently that doesn't stop her from insulting me to get points with her boyfriend. she called me a bitch-nerd with no life and also called me an ugly old hag. at this point i'm just like WTF Shay why would you call me that, and she has the FUCKING nerve to wink at me. at this moment i'm so mad i just flip her the bird, and walk to my next class, ignoring the laughter surrounding me. Shay found me after my next class and apologized, saying that she didn't mean any of it, she was just trying to get on Marcus' good side a.k.a. make out with him later. i'm just like screw you Shay why would you do that?!?!? so that's basically why i hate Marcus. he made me fight with and hate my best friend.

ok umm, i just realized that i'm starting to talk to you as if you were a real person. but you know, why not? it's not like i have anybody else to talk to... so anyway, ummm....... i don't even know what to talk about. i don't feel very good. oh, oh oh fuck! i--

hey sorry about that..... guess who just got to that time of month? that's right, i did! yay! i'm being totally sarcastic right now. for real thought. on top of Shay being a back-stabbing bitch, i just had to get my period today. fuck you, universe. FUCK YOU.

ok, i'm going to sleep now. i feel like shit, and i'm just so done with this crap.

g'nite, and i'll write more later (maybe).

peace out.


(a girl who just wants the world to be normal again without a back-stabbing bitch of a friend)


hey guys :) this is izzy here. sorry to those of you who don't like strange or "nasty" topics like a girl getting her period or something. if you don't like it, then don't read it. this will (hopefully) not be a "disgusting" book, but it will not be all rainbows and flowers. the point is that this is an actual journal of a real girl, and her life isn't perfect. anyway, if you're reading this, thanks, and I love you!
(a girl who is dedicating this chapter to one of her new ladies hannahszabo <3 u girl! stay awesome :3)

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