Chapter 1

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The music was blaring I was dancing in the crowd when I felt his hands snake around my waist, pulling me into him as we dance. I could feel his hot breath on my neck "wanna get out of here?" I shook my head yes as he pulled me through the crowd leading me out to his car.

we barely made it through the door before he had me pinned against the wall his lips moving down my neck as he pulled his shirt off and then my dress. He picked me up carrying me to his room laying me on the bed as he climbed on top of me...

1 week earlier~

I was staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring, I could almost hear the ticking of the clock. My trans was broken when I felt someone staring at me. I turned my head to look, our eyes met as he looked away. Nathan was a new student here and he's in 2 of my classes. He was attractive, covered in tattoos, definitely not the guy you want to get mixed up with.

The bell finally rang and I practically ran out of the room to lunch. I met my friend Lydia  "hey Jess!" She yelled when she saw me. "Hey!"

"How was class?" She asked

"Good" I smiled

Nathan walked past us looking at me with a slight smile "what was that about?"

"I don't know? He was in my last hour he was staring at me today" I said rolling my eyes

"oooh new kids got a thing for you!" She laughed

"Shut up Lydia." I said hitting her arm before laughing and tucking my hair behind my ear, glancing over towards him.

After lunch I walked to the library to get some studying done. I took a seat in my normal corner. I was doing homework when a body sat down in the seat next to me "whatcha working on?"

I froze knowing that Nathan had just sat next to me.

"My English paper" I said not looking at him.

"oh" he said quietly. We sat in silence for awhile "soooo you smoke?"


"I mean if you don't it's whatever" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Once in awhile at parties" I said nervously

"I see" he said quietly "You party a lot?"

"Yeah I guess" I shrugged


The bell rang and I grabbed my stuff standing up "bye Nathan" I couldn't get out of there fast enough.

"It's Nate but see ya" he called after me.

I walked out to the parking lot to find my brother Sammy "ready to go?" "Yup" I said hoping into his jeep. when we got home my mom asked how my day was and I told her good before going upstairs to finish my paper.

It was Friday and I wanted to get it done so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I heard the door bell ring and figured it was for Sammy so I didn't pay any attention. My mom and dad went out for dinner so it was just me Sam and whoever came over probably his new girl.

I finished writing my paper around 7 and headed to the bathroom. the hallway was only lit by the nightlight down the hall. "The bathrooms upstairs and down the hall" I heard Sammy yell. Well whoever it is is going to have to wait I was almost to the door when someone ran into me knocking me to the ground before falling on top of me "what are you doing here?" He asked

"No what are you doing here?" I said annoyed

"I came to hang with Sam, now why are you here?"

"I live here"

"ohhh" Nate said alittle surprised. He was still on top of me looking into my eyes.

"ummm" I said placing my hands on his chest to push him off

"Sorry" he said getting off and walking to the bathroom. 

I quickly walked to my room closing the door. What just happened? I didn't know him and Sammy were friends.

Around 11 my parents came home and went to bed. shortly after I heard sam come up. I quietly went downstairs and grabbed a water before going down to our basement which was turned into a game room/family room type thing that mostly Sammy and I used. I flipped on the light "damn!" I froze as he sat up on the couch.

"I-I'm sorry I thought you left"

"no" he groaned.

"I'll just go back upstairs" I sighed

"no I'm awake now you might as well stay" he said grabbing the remote and turning the tv on.

I slowly walked over and sat on the couch next to him. He turned on a movie and covered back up with the blanket on the other side of the couch. Halfway through the movie I started getting cold "you cold" he asked.

"Yeah a little" I said quietly

"come here" he said lifting up the blanket and patting the spot next to him. I hesitated, but I slid over to him and he put his arm around me covering me up with the rest of the blanket. Being this close to him gave me butterflies his warmth felt so nice, I felt safe. We shifted durning the movie we were laying on the couch, his arm wrapped around me and I was nuzzled into his chest as we both fell asleep.

I woke up as he moved his arm. I looked up at him just as he connected his lips to mine I hesitated but kissed back, he moved his hand down my back sliding me closer to him I could feel he was hard. I pulled back falling off the couch "I'm sorry" he mumbled

"it's fine" I said quickly getting off the floor and going up to my room, I sat on my bed quietly for awhile trying not to think about what just happened with nate.

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