Part 5

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The mid-morning meeting went by rather quickly and the girls were able to create a list of things they needed to get together for that week. Just around lunchtime, they all paired off to work on a few things that they were keen to get into the following shows. Maggie had gone off to another appointment and at the other's insistence, Jackie stayed since she had nothing important going on that day. She trailed behind John and Graham, who went off to a far corner of the garden to work through a couple of their sketches. While they worked, Jackie spread herself out in a patch of sun and listened to them giggle like maniacs over one particular piece.

"Jackie?" John pulled her back down to earth, "would you come listen to this love and tell us what you think?"

Did she hear him correctly? Was the affectionate term of love just thrown in there? She shook it off for the moment and got up to get closer to where they had been working. Taking a seat next to him she leaned back on her hands and listened as they walked her through the sketch; it had her in stitches. "Oh my god, that's great!"

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I do!"

"Well, what about this bit here?" John pointed to the page in his hand.

Jackie rocked up off of her hands and positioned herself on her stomach and used John's leg to prop her up. "Let me see," she pulled the paper from his hands to look at what he was talking about.

John was rather taken aback by her bold move and was too distracted by her hand touching his thigh to hear anything that she was saying. "Oh that sounds fine, fine...." he trailed off not having a clue what he was agreeing too.

Using her hand for leverage, she pushed off of his thigh and giggled as she sat back up. She noticed she had completely distracted him and he was suddenly agreeing to her saying that she liked the sketch just as it was.

As the afternoon went on, they all decided to confer one more time before calling it a day. Most had other things to take care of at home and were satisfied with what had been accomplished. Grabbing her things, it was decided without much contest that John was going to get Jackie home.

"You know, why don't you stay and I'll make us dinner?"

"Are you sure? You don't have to do that."

"Yes, definitely you goofball! I haven't seen you in a few days and really only watched you and Grae talk all afternoon."

"Yea, alright, I'd like that." he smiled to himself as they arrived at her flat.

Walking inside, she tossed her bag on the hall table and flipped her shoes off. "Make yourself at home John, I'm going to go peruse my refrigerator to see what I can do for us."

"Do you want some help?"

"Sure, I like having company in the kitchen" she smiled as he followed.

About an hour or so later they were in the midst of a good meal and enjoying being alone for the first time that whole day. Neither had realized how much they missed each other over just one short weekend and it scared them both a little at how fast they were falling.


The dishes were clean and put away and the pair decided to convene on the sofa to continue chatting and listening to a bit of music.

"Thank you for a wonderful dinner."

"I'm glad that you liked it," Jackie smiled. She sat with her knees curled under her, facing John's right, with her arm resting on the back of the sofa as he lounged down with his left ankle resting atop his right knee. "I'm also glad that you decided to stay, I honestly did miss you while you were gone."

"Me too," he said as he snaked his right arm around her waist pulling her to sit more on the side of her hip. "I'm glad that we're getting to spend some more time together, I really did enjoy our dinner last week."

Jackie had begun gently playing with his hair at the nape of his neck and turned to look in his eyes, "So did I, I hope we can make it a regular thing...spending time together I mean."

Shivers ran down his spine as she fingered his hair and he smiled brightly at her, "Definitely, I can't imagine spending my time any other way."

With that, Jackie decided to lean in for a kiss and made it a passionate one. Coming up for breath, "I've waited to do that again all day" she laughed. "You are a very good kisser you know," she commented placing a hand on the side of his face, meeting his eyes.

"Ha...thank you I guess," he blushed and cast his gaze towards his lap.

"John," she waited for their eyes to meet, "kiss me again."

He obliged and began kissing her quite deeply. Their position was a bit awkward for the depth that they were kissing, so Jackie shifted herself across his lap to his left side. Keeping her knees across his lap, she pulled him to her and resumed their heated exchange. John turned towards her and started running his hands up the side of her rib cage and she interlaced her hand behind his head. The more heated things became the further Jackie leaned backwards, pulling John with her until he was almost completely on top of her. Having completely lost herself in the moment, Jackie snaked her hand underneath of John's shirt with full intention to get it off.

"Wait a minute love," John came up for air and sitting up a bit and getting a groan of frustration from Jackie.

Slightly confused and still very turned on, Jackie propped herself up on her elbows, "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" she asked beginning to feel distressed at the possibility that she'd overstepped a boundary.

"No, no, nothing wrong, I just don't think we should go any further."

"Oh..." she trailed off sitting up feeling slightly hurt.

"Come here darling, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, I just don't want to screw this up." John admitted. "I like you entirely too much to jump right into bed."

Jackie leaned into his shoulder as he held her and kissed the top of her head. She had to admit that she agreed with him deep down. The last thing she wanted was for this to fall apart before it even started. On top of that, what she hadn't fully disclosed was that her experience with men was very limited to a very awkward first time with a boyfriend in high school and again with a very selfish one in college. She was really hoping that things with John would be different and she figured that his hesitation to move forward physically was a good sign.

After a few more minutes of relaxed silence, they both agreed that it was getting late and that he should be heading home. Jackie walked him to the door and kissed him one more time wishing him sweet dreams. They would see one another again at the studio later in the week, but promised that they would call or see one another in between when they could.

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