Part 4

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The weekend was quite a long one for Jackie, but hopefully it would prove to be successful in terms of enabling her to go to locations with the boys in the future. She even had copies of EVERYTHING sent to the Light Entertainment offices so they could see that it was indeed okay for her to move about the country.

On Sunday evening, Terry and Maggie invited themselves over since they hadn't had much of a chance to catch up in this whirlwind month. After a light dinner they took their drinks into the living room and started asking the questions Jackie knew would come up eventually.

"So, how was filming? I missed being able to go with all of you!"

"It was good, got some good work in," Terry replied grabbing one of the art books off of the shelf in the corner before sitting down. "Hey do you mind if I use this?"

"You mean, can you cut it to smithereens? Sure, I forgot I even had that!" Jackie laughed turning to Maggie knowing they'd lost Terry to the book.

"Well now," Maggie began getting right to what she really wanted to talk about, "you say you missed going with us; you really mean that you missed John."

Jackie's face went hot, "Um...well I like working with all of you!" she wasn't ready to share all of this, but Maggie had a determined look on her face and knew resistance was futile.

"That's bloody bullshit and you know it! You think we didn't see you two after our group dinner and hear him ask you to dinner? You two aren't as subtle as you think! Awkward as hell, adorable, etc, but not subtle."

Jackie covered her face with her hand and started giggling like a fool. "Okay, okay you got me! Yes, I missed him like fucking crazy! I'm way more excited to get up for work tomorrow than I should be since I get to touch him, stare in his eyes, and run my hands through his hair as MY JOB!!!"

"I knew it! See Terry I told you!" she poked the artist in the arm bringing him back to the conversation. "He wasn't just being weird for the hell of it, it wasn't acting! He just as besotted with her as she is him." Maggie bounced up onto her knees leaning towards Jackie. "Love, you should have seen the poor sod! Every time the head of makeup had him in her chair he had this awful frown on his face, you would have thought he was being tortured. Then when filming his little bits, he would go off into this bizarre daze and a few of them they decided to just leave in because it wasn't worth reshooting!"

"He was acting weird." Terry agreed going right back to dog earing pages for future cartoons.

"So, what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean what am I going to do?"

"Well, are you going to continue going out with him?"

"I hope so, but I haven't seen him since you returned so I'll have to wait until tomorrow I guess."

"Oh! That reminds me! Tomorrow we're all meeting at Terry's to talk about what they'll need from us for this week. They figured it's just easier for us to pop in there than wait til later in the week; give us time to make sure we have everything. I'll come pick you up around 11."

Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough as far as she was concerned. After Maggie and Terry left, she got herself into the shower and couldn't get John out of her mind. She wondered if his odd behavior while filming this weekend really was because he was missing her. Climbing into bed she tried desperately to fall asleep, but just couldn't stop her mind long enough for it to be quality.


John arrived at Terry Jones' home for the meeting they were planning to have that morning and walked in with Michael.

"You okay John? Looks like you didn't sleep very well."

"Oh I'm fine, thanks. Cup of coffee will fix that." he shrugged Michael off and sat down to look through what he had brought with him.

It didn't take long for the others to arrive, except for Graham, he would surely be along in another hour or so. They began going through the material they'd been compiling when a knock came on the door.

"That's probably the girls," Gilliam said as he briefly pulled himself from the notes he'd been making for his animations.

"Come on in girls," Terry said as he welcomed them into his home, "we're all just out in the back room. Might head out to the garden in a minute; gorgeous day."

The girls headed towards the back room and at Terry's suggestion helped the guys get their stuff up and headed out to the back garden. It really was a beautiful day out and for John and Jackie it was made much nicer seeing one another again.

"How was your weekend then?" John asked as he walked next to Jackie with the pages he'd been going through in hand.

"Busy, but I think I got all of the paperwork processed."

Stopping at the table on the patio, John placed his things down and turned to her, "That's wonderful! Does that mean you'll go to film with us the next time?"

"I hope so," she smiled. "Hey, come with me for a second, I think I left something back in the sunroom." It was a little white lie, but she had left her bag setting just out of sight before they headed into the yard.

Walking in John started looking, for what he wasn't sure. "What did you leave behind?"

"Um...well, I left my bag just by that chair over in the corner," she admitted pointing as she walked toward his towering frame. Jackie reached up on tip toe, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. "I really came back in for that though." she smiled as she gazed into his eyes.

"I'm glad you found it," John teased as he pulled her tightly to him, hands resting on her low back. "I think you forgot this one too," he leaned in for a second kiss.

The pair held one another as tight as they could, forgetting that they had left everyone outside. Jackie gently ran her tongue along his lips deepening the kiss and emitting a soft moan in the process. John had her almost off the floor as he pulled her even tighter to him. However, their kiss was suddenly halted when Graham walked in the door.

"Sorry I'm late, productive morning I take it?" he queried as he sized up the duo.

"Oh, shut up!" fussed John, "they're out in the garden."

"Ah, thank you, take your time....secret's safe with me."

The moment was clearly at an end, so the pair grabbed what they needed and headed out to join the rest. Of course this was accompanied by knowing stares causing both to blush furiously as they sat down.

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