Dream Demon (Short)

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Your P.O.V:
Well, I just said that.
"Did your father tell you anything that made you say that?"
No I said that because of that one promise you just broke. I said to myself.


Your P.O.V:
"Mom no matter what I'll be here for you. Is that all?"
"Yes..... Yes that's all, nothing else."
"(Y/n/n) if there's anything else, I'll tell you and I would of told you if there was something I didn't say. I'll never hide anything from you. Promise."

|Back To Reality|

Your P.O.V:
"No, you broke a promise. That's why I said it."
"(Y/n) I didn't brake any... Wait sorry I..."
"What did you want to say about dad?" Tears were forming now. I felt something wrap around me and I turned around.
"It's ok, I'll do anything to fix things." Dipper let me know.
"(Y/n) your father is this thing called a Dream Demon."

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