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NICK hated mornings. Even if he woke up in the middle of the summer or in the weekend, he despised waking up early. Sadly, he always was the first one to do so. But as soon as he noticed how he wasn't in his bed, and how there was a slim figure lying next to him under the bed sheets, morning didn't seem to be such a bad thing at all.

Nova's eyes were still closed, small strands of hair moving slightly as her breath brushed them when she exhaled. Even though he usually stared at her and had a close look of her face, it was the first time Nick had seen her so still. It was the first time Nick could really appreciate all of her features without losing focus.

It was something Nick was good at: noticing small details form people. From the way their eyes crinkled when they laughed to their body language while telling a story. He thought how every single feature or reaction of a person made them so unique.

He didn't want to wake her up. She was so peaceful compared to when she was with her friends, usually joking around and always smiling. It was good to see her so still, not jumping around like she usually did whenever she was with people surrounding her. Or at least around the people she liked.

As if destiny heard Nick's thoughts and wanted to ruin it for him, Nova shifted slightly, turning her head towards the ceiling but keeping her body in the same position. She raised her arm up and stretched, to then bring it to her face to rub her eyes. Nick smiled softly as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning." she said with laziness.

"The beast was woken up." Nick said jokingly. Nova smiled, letting out a soft chuckle before slapping Nick's arm softly.

She stretched again, this time moving her body around so she could stretch her other arm that was underneath her. It wasn't until she moved that Nick noticed how his own arm was wrapped around her waist.

Suddenly, Nova got up and jumped from bed, the movement causing her XXL shirt to raise enough to let Nick see her butt, along with her panties. Nick felt how the blood rushed to his cheeks, and when Nova turned around, he instantly shoved his face on the pillow.

"Get ready, we're going out." Nick heard Nova say, followed after the sound of a door opening.

"Wait, what?" he uncovered his face to ask, only to see the blonde walking out of her bedroom. "Where are we going?"

THE smell of freshly baked bread, coffee and books flooded the cafeteria Nick and Nova just entered to. After Nova entered fully dressed, she lent Nick a sweater she had borrowed from Adrian and wasted no time on waiting for him to be ready. He knew how Nova was full of surprises, but having her drive them to a two story café only so they could sit on the roof was something Nick was sure she didn't do often.

As they ordered their coffees and a piece of cake for both of them, Nick noticed how Nova was –perhaps way too talkative to the cashier, who according to his name tag, he was Ezra. He couldn't feel but feel threatened by how friendly Nova and Ezra were acting. But being Nick, he knew he would just stay quiet and do nothing but glare at him when he wasn't looking.

After finally getting their coffees, Ezra called them over, coming out from behind the cashier and gesturing them to follow him. Nick gave Nova a quizzing look, to which Nova only answered by smirking and grabbing Nick's hand and pulling him with her. Ezra took them to the back, stepping aside so Nova and Nick could go through the door into a small alley.

"Enjoy your coffee." Ezra said, winked and closed the door.

Nick furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why they were standing in a brick alley behind a coffee shop along with trashcans, but it wasn't until he noticed Nova walking towards some rusty metal stairs.

"Wait, we're going up?" Nick asked as Nova placed her foot on the first step.

She smiled as she turned her head to look at him "you'll love the view."

And with that, she went back to climbing the stairs. Nick couldn't do anything more than just sigh, to then follow her. As Nick stepped on the last step, he looked up and noticed how they were finally on the roof. But that wasn't the only thing he noticed.

The colors of pink, blue and yellow were scattered all over the sky, lighting it up. Nick was astonished; he had never really paid any attention to how it looked when it was dawn. He was always focused on school when it was around this hour, or maybe he was locked up in a classroom; perhaps, he was locked in his own bedroom, staring at a bright computer screen while his fingers typed stories on a Word document.

He turned his head to look at Nova, who was staring at him with a big smile plastered on her lips. Nick thought how much she had freed him; before her, he was just another person playing by society rules, which were to study, graduate from a good college, have a job, get married and have kids. That was Nick's idea before living before he actually lived, and it was all thanks to her.

After taking yet another sip from her warm coffee cup, Nova's signature smirk made an apparition on her lips before saying:

"I told you you would love it."

And before thinking twice, Nick smashed his lips against hers for what felt for the first time ever again. Nick thought about how the sky couldn't compare to her beauty as he tasted the coffee on her lips, and he wished humans didn't need oxygen to survive as he held his breath.


word count: 1,008

Kinda short chapter but I love Niva so much aw. Anyways, thank you so much for the votes on last part!

Also, self-promotion here: I posted a new Nick fanfic, it's called Dyslexia, go check it out on my profile ;)




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