What in the name of ...Cat's?

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The sound of a throat being cleared rips my gaze form the mound of bubbles covering my once clean living room.

My heads whips to the side where the sound came from. I my utter shock three guys are standing there looking at me. Staring at me like I would pull my gun out from my breast band. I finally set my eyes on the objects that they are holding in their hands.

Cleaning equipment. I'm not lying. There's a mop, a broom, and I think my all time favorite the steam cleaner. What the guys are doing with the assorted floor cleaning items in my living room, bets me. I mean really it's a living room. Why do we need the mop and broom? The steam cleaner I can understand, I just don't know why it's being used at the moment. I didn't even know that Christopher, Myka, and Anthony knew how to use the steam cleaner, or even yet where I keep it.

Walking onto the carpet to take a closer look of the damage, I feel myself sink down a bit. Imagine my shock when I look down and see water pooling around my brand new heels.

Shifting my eyes back onto the men in the room I let out a sigh.

"Guys can someone please explain what in the world happened here, or should I say what in the world did you do?" When my ears are not greeted with an explanation, I ask yet another question.

"I don't really care about this mess right now, I'll have Zane send over someone to clean this up. He's not going to be happy about it, but he'll live. You guys might not live but that's not my problem. Is it? No it is not." Know it's time to get to the whole 'Why am I late? Oh yeah someone messed with my clock.' issue. Glaring at the boy's; that's right they don't deserve to be called men as of right now, I switch to the topic that has sparked my interest and the reason that I'm currently late to this stupid wedding. I mean really who summons someone they kicked out of their house to a wedding? Summoned! Not asked, nope told that I had to be there for this Wonderful day. Wonderful my shimmering unicorn!

Where was I? Oh yeah.

"Now more importantly who set my alarm clock for three pm?" Yet again by the silence that follows I know that my question fell on deaf ears.

Switching my weight from my left leg to my right heel, I let out a deep breath, like those pregnant women with their breathing excercise's. Why does everything have to go wrong today? Is today national give Alice a hard day? I get this... I don't even have words to describe what this is, and I haven't even been up for- I glance at my watch to see just how long I've been up- Forty minutes.

Forty minutes didn't I want to be there in forty-five min-

"Forty minutes! Oh my god! I'm really going to be late now! Aw shiny snowflakes! Mother Mary is going to kill me!" Hearing Christopher mutter the words, in his deep rough voice almost makes me lose the light grasp on reality that I have at the moment, "Her mother is really going to kill her, all those stories we've heard about Mary, man I would hate to be in Alice's tiny shoes." Brushing the comments off as Anthony and Myka add their two cents in, I throw one last smoldering look over my shoulder.

Turning on my heel I rush over to my front door, only to be stopped by a meow.

And just like that my loose grasp on reality goes Poof! Gone. In hiding.

Turning past the hallway mirror I can see a faint glow to my eyes. And I know that the glow means one thing, my powers want to come out and play, or cause pain. Which ever is my fancy. And right now I fancy pain.

The boy's stop midway through their conversation on whether 'What's more scary...Alice when she's mad, or the stories about Alice's mom when shes mad?' Well I guess the boys are going to find out right now.

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