Oh rubber duckies I'm late, can't I just skip?

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Who ever made alarm clocks should of been shot at a very young age. Or should of at least made an alarm clock that you dont want to pick up and throw it out of your 38 level highrise building. Just saying.

It's the same every day. The ear piercing shrill of that stupid invention wakes me up. Pulling the covers up over my face, the pillow over my ears, and I reach a blind hand out and bat around for the button that will give my very sensitive ears some relief from the harsh sound that fills my once quite and serene room. I lay just like that until I believe that it would be the right time to greet the day with my presence.

Rolling onto my side, I squint at the small clock thats sitting on my bedside table. After staring at it for a few minutes, my mind still foged with the last remains of my slumber make out the time and date.

And now that stupid inventions has caused my to become wide awake. Tuesday the 8th, 3:15 pm, is what the clock is screaming into my eyes and mind. I try to process what I have just read.

Because today is not like everyother day, all from one glance at a clock and my day has been ruined, and I havent even gotten out of bed yet. The alarm has been set for 3:00 pm, and i know for a fact that it wasn't set by my hand. The feeling of doom settels over me as I realize I have just wasted 15 minutes just by laying there like a lazy bum that I turn into in the morning.

I'm not a very happy camper in the morning so to speak. And now that someone has had the nerve to change my alarm to go off at three, Im pissed. I roll to my right and when I reach the side I sling my arm out and over the side of my bed. I pawn my hand over the items that seem to collect there, untill my hand presses up against cold metal. I grip it in my small hand, and draw my hand out from under and place the object on my bed.

I swing my legs out from under my covers that are pleasantly warm against the gush of cold air that meets my bare body. I strech my limbs and walk to my attached bath room. One look in the mirror shows smeared blood on my face and arms. A glance at my hair shows dried blood and another substance tangled in it. A long sigh escapes my lips. Looks like I'm going to have to take a shower, since I'm already late what's another 10 minutes?

Starting up the shower to get the right water temperature I stick a foot into the spray of water. Frezzing water numbs my foot. Jerking my foot out I turn the nob just a bit to the right and stick my foot back in. Slightly warmer water incases my foot and a sigh escapes my lips for the second time this morning.

Slowly easing my body into the cold water I throw my head back to wet my hair. I grab the citris sented shampoo and squeeze a handful of the white gunk into my hands. Then the gunk is lathered through my long blonde hair. Watching the water turn from a slight pink to clear i wash the lingering soap from my hair.

The thought of seeing my family today is enough to make the old Alice cry. But, the new Alice will not break in front of those people who have been out of my life long enough. And now I have been summoned to my sisters wedding, which I just so happen to be late to. A smile slips onto my face as I imagine the look on my mothers face when she sees what I have become. What she had a help in making me become.

A matching citrius body wash, washes away the last traces of the blood from my body. As the blood from last nights job goes down the drain I scrub my face with some face wash so the blood doesn't clog my pores. Blinking the water from my eyes i turn the running water off and ring out my hair.

I pull the door open and step onto the fluffy rug. Picking a towel from the stack on the shelf i dry off my face and body, so my clothes do not stick to my body. I slip on the black strapless bra and the matching undies, and turn to the sink.

I open the second drawer and take out my silver paint splattered make up bag and put it on the granite counter. I reach for my toothbrush and the toothpaste sitting in my rubber duck holder. A squeeze of the small tube onto my pink toothbrush puts just the right amount of toothpaste, because having to much toothpaste makes me feel as if my mouth is going to explode and having to little feels as if I didn't even brush my teeth. And what's the point in that?

I start to dance around my room with some melody of a new hot pop song stuck in my head, while brushing my pearly whites, grabbing my heels and my halter dress for the stupid wedding rehearsal that is going on right now as I dance around in my underware. I waltz (not the dance, because that would be just plain dumb, were not at some ball!) back into my bathroom and spit the foam that the toothpaste turned into and rinse my mouth out. A quick pat of the towel gets rid of the water running down my face.

Leaning into the silver mirror I look at my flawless face. The Light honey tint that always stays on my skin, even if I haven't been in the sun for months, gives me a sun kissed glow. My striking purple eyes sparkel in the fake light. I grin thinking about when my mother sees my eyes shes going to freak, the last time she saw me I still had the light blue eyes that everyone in my family has. I glance down and grab the eye shadow out of my bag and apply the smoky eye look with a light silver and light purple shadow. My naturally long lashes gets a light coat of lengthening mascara, and a quick swipe of clear lipgloss goes onto my plump lips. Leaning back I smile at the reflection of the small looking girl in the mirror, which has people always underestimating me.

I slip the halter dress over my head and clasp my Shafwan neckless around my neck. The pendent falls right inbetween my B cup breast's. The silky material goes just mid thigh. Nothing slutty. It's just easier to move in, if anything happens to pop up that I need to take out.

That's another shock to give to my mother. She's going to have a heart attack by the end of today. She's not even going to notice that I'm her daughter, the changes that she has put me through make sure to that. The monster that she let flourish, and grow stronger.

Pulling myself away from my thoughts I look back in the mirror seeing that my hair has dried into the beautiful long natural wavys, that I love. That give arise to the little girl apperance that I have going on also. The golden blonde wavys shine in the harsh artifical lights, that rest above my sink. A joke for imatating sunlight.

One last look at myself shows a young innocent girl looking right back at me. One look at that girl, and no one would think that she is capable of all she has done. All the lives she's ended. All the lives she's ruined. All the horrors she's witnessed. At one look no one would she the mask she place's on her face. At one look you see a girl with all the friends. See a woman full of life. But looks are deciving. And I'm deciving.

With a smirk on my childish face I turn around and pass over the threshold and flip the lightswitch incased in more rubber duckie merchandise. I quickly slip my size 13 childrens custom made heels on.

You have no idea how hard it is for me to find shoe's. There is no grown up shoe's in children sizes! I mean light up shoes are all hunky dory when you're four years old, but at Twenty almost twenty-one it's not cool. So to get shoe's that are age appropriate I end up paying four times as much! But on the good side, I can get a custom blend of silver and iron as the heel. Which come in handy in my line of work.

Snapping the jeweled strap together and I'm ready. A quick glance at the clock shows that I have taken 20 minutes getting ready.

By the time I kill the guys, and run to the church I should only be about 45 minutes late. Thats about the amount of time to be fashionably late. Right? Oh well. They can get started without me, it's not like I want to be there anyways!

Grabbing the metal device off my bed and tucking it onto the band on my lower back, I walk to the door.

Walking out into my light blue hallway what greets my eyes stops me in my tracks.

"What. The. Flying Popsicles. Is going on here?" Oh man I'm going to kill someone today!

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