Chapter 7

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“Now Miss Simmons, Master Gilmore do you know why you are here?” the principal asked. I sat there sulking with my arms crossed over my chest and my bottom lip sticking out.

Yes, Aaron and I were in the principal’s office, in a lot of trouble apparently.

This boy really outraged me, he pisses me off so much, if I could I would have killed him right then and there but no M wouldn’t let me anyways.

I don’t see why M even wants him in the gang, probably because he was fond of Aaron’s sister before she died; now he thinks Aaron will be the same as her.

PFFT! Not likely!

I turned to glare at Aaron. It was mostly his fault that we were sitting here anyways. He looked at me and smirked before opening his mouth to explain.

OK maybe I should start from the start of the day.

I really didn’t want to get up today, I didn’t want to go to school, I would really rather burn the hell hole down to the ground.

But of course I have to do what M wants me too and go anyways.

Sadly Aaron is coming over tonight to start our project; he is coming here, to my empty apartment, since of course my dad lives in the gang house.

When I got to school Cassidy rushed up to me hugging me tightly.

“Hey, how are you?” she asked happily.

“Good, what about you?” I asked blinking a couple of times. My contacts really seemed to be bothering my eyes today and my wig was really itchy.

“I’m great. By the way why did Aaron come up to me today and ask me about you?” she asked unsure. I groaned in annoyance holding back from punching the locker beside me.

“You didn’t tell him anything did you?” I asked hopefully.

“Of course not!” she said sounding offended.

“Thank you,” I said smiling at her. “He’s just being nosy,” I said shrugging.

I’m going to confront this boy; he can’t just go asking about me, no one knows much about me anyway since I’m just a little nerd that everyone stays clear of.

The bell rang for first period, but I needed to track down this idiot.

“I’ll catch up with you later,” I said hugging Cassidy. She waved and headed off to class. I waited for Aaron to walk past before yanking him into an empty classroom my hand over his mouth.

Even though I was short, I still had him trapped against the wall shocked.

“What do you think you are doing!” I hissed at him. He raised his eyebrow, because obviously he couldn’t talk. “You can’t just go around asking people about me. Especially to my best friend!” I yelled in his face.

He just stood there, staring into my eyes; I think there is something wrong with this boy.

“Your eyes look fake,” he suddenly said. “The colour doesn’t look right,” he pointed out leaning closer to get a better look.

My eyes widened, I was a little taken back from that comment.

“Do you wear contacts?” he asked reaching his hand up to remove my glasses. I squinted pretending it affected my eyes. I quickly snatched my glasses back and placed them back in their place.

“Watch your back Fire,” I said in annoyance as I stormed to the door. “And stop asking about me!” I said before walking out.

Aaron’s POV

Something about this girl intrigues me; she changes moods so quickly it’s amazing.

She is a beautiful girl but something about her hair and eyes look fake. All I wanted to do was kiss those full lips…

Wait what?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and headed out of the room that Mindy had dragged me into, for a nerd she is really strong and feisty.

I rubbed the back of my hand on my eyes and yawning, I didn’t get much sleep last night because of the weapon trade and then the incident with Ice. I didn’t see why she wouldn’t do a little background check on Mindy; I just wanted to see what was up with her.

Wait why am I even interested in this girl. As soon as I meet her she intrigued me so much it’s amazing.

It’s like she has more than one personality, shy and cute and aggressive and sexy.

I walked through the hallways to my first class. I walked in to see the teacher reading a book and the class was doing whatever they wanted. Mindy and her friend Cassidy were sitting in the back talking quietly.

Mindy glanced at me, something flashing through her eyes before she looked back at her friend who didn’t even notice our exchange.

Something is defiantly mysterious about this girl.

Mindy’s POV

Science class now, where I have to sit with Aaron, oh yay.

I sat down at the desk beside Aaron, the teacher stood at the front saying we can work quietly on our projects and said that she needed to do something and walked out of the room.

I glanced at Aaron who was staring at me.

“What?” I snapped making him snap out of whatever trance he was in.

“You remind me of someone,” he said looking down at his paper.

“I thought I made it clear that you need to stay out of my business?” I asked glaring at the side of his face.

“Your just a nerd your threats are empty!” he said. My eyes widened as he looked up at me smirking. Anger boiled in my veins and my fist was flying for his face, he dodged it and I threw another one hitting him in the nose.

I threw some more punches and kicks, getting the attention of the whole class as they gathered around cheering.

Suddenly he grabbed me and rammed me into the wall, I spun him around smashing him into the large window, smashing through it and we fell to the ground.

And now back to the present where I am sitting here sulking in the principal’s office.

“And that’s what happened,” Aaron completed sitting back smugly. The principal raised his eyebrow and turned to me as I glared at Aaron. He so told the story wrong.

“You attacked him?” the principal asked making me look at him.

“Technically yes I did, but he provoked me,” I said crossly. He pulled his glasses off and rubbed his forehead.

“Okay Miss Simmons I believe you,” he sighed.

“What?” Aaron demanded, angered.

“But you are both suffering the consequences, you are both suspended for two school days,” he said looking both of us in the eye.

I leant back in my chair panicking inside.

This can’t be happening. M will be so mad.

“Please wait in the office, your parents have been notified and are coming to pick you up,” he said making my eyes widen.

Who did they call for me?

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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