Chapter 3

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“You’re an idiot,” Ice hissed as I done some unknown stuff on the computer.


“We have the best hacking programmes in the world that are easy to follow and you can’t even work them!” she yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed back my chair. I was meant to be hacking into some camera system in a hotel that someone was staying in that she was after.

“You do it then,” I shot at her. She raised her eyebrow and stepped forward. She sat down in my lap and her hands flew over the keyboard.

I couldn’t even see what she was doing and suddenly camera screens turned up on the screen.

“Done,” she replied smirking at me.


“Don’t pfft me!” she laughed standing up. “Okay so you are hopeless at hacking let’s try fighting,” she said walking up to Red who was leaning against the wall and grabbed his hand again.

I felt a pang in my heart as I stared at their intertwined hands. But somehow it seemed like they aren’t actually a couple.

“I think we should put him up against Lightning,” Red smirked. What is up with these names!?

“That might be a good idea then we can see what level fighter he is,” Ice agreed. “Kara where is Lightning?” she asked through the little ear piece. “Okay thanks,” she said before turning to Red.

“He’s in the gym,” she said worry filling her eyes.

“Aww is princess scared,” I cooed. She turned her head and glared at me.

“No, I’m worried for Red and your safety, the guys in the gym are ruthless and always look for a fight,” she replied. “They will attack you even if you are with me,” she told me. Suddenly her eyes lit up. “Actually this could be good.”

“I hope there is a way that I don’t get killed today, I have school tomorrow,” I said rolling my eyes.

“You just said before, you would die for this gang,” She shot at me before pulling Red into a walk. “Do you think the twins would be in there?” she asked Red.

“I think all of the bro gang are,” he replied.

“Bro Gang?”

Ice turned and smirked at me.

“These guys are dangerous. They could be in a pretty high rank but they refuse the positions, they are dangerous together, Red here is a part of the group,” she said patting Red’s chest.

“Who’s in it?” I asked curiously as we walked.

“Red, Lightning, The OJ Twins and Scar,” she replied.

“OJ? Isn’t that orange juice?” I chuckled.

“No, it’s O and J,” she said sounding annoyed. We walked in silence until we came to an elevator. Red pushed the button and the doors opened almost immediately. They stepped in with me not far behind.

She pushed the button for the second floor and we waited. This place has about seven stories. It’s amazing.

The elevator stopped and there was a girl standing by the entrance with red hair and was holding a hoody in her hands.

“Thanks Kara,” Ice said stepping forward and grabbing the jacket and slipping it on and slipping the hood over her hair. Kara scrambled off and Ice and Red carried on walking to large double doors.

I walked in behind them and stopped when I saw a massive Gym in front of me. I looked around to see some amazingly skilled fighters around me doing various activities. Red and Ice walked over to where some people were sitting on some benches.

When we got closer I saw there were three boys and a girl sitting there having some sort of argument. Suddenly the girl jumped up and rushed towards us.

“Red! Ice! What brings you here?” she said happily hugging them both. She was wearing a black hoody just like the rest and black leather pants.

“We have an opponent for Lightning,” Ice said happily as she motioned me to come closer. “Scar this is Fire,” she said.

I looked over scar to see blond hair coming out from under her hood, under the dull lighting I could see a scar traveling from her temple and down her face and neck before disappearing under her shirt.

“Nice to meet you Fire,” She said happily before grabbing Ice’s arm and muttering something about needing to talk to her and dragged her off into the corner.

“Hey Guys!” Red yelled to the other three guys. They all wandered over and stood beside Red.

“Ahh Aaron I didn’t actually know if the rumours where true,” One of them laughed. Wait what?

“Huh?” was my genius reply.

“Ice told us you were coming but we didn’t know if it were true or not,” another one said.

“Guys stop freaking the kid out. Fire this is, Lightning and the OJ twins,” Red said pointing to each one.

“How do you guys know me?” I asked confused.

“And she said I would make a horrible spy I think he tops it,” J laughed.

“Jarrod?” I asked confused.

“WOOPIE! Maybe he won’t make such a bad spy after all!” O said happily.  

“Let me guess Oliver?” I asked smirking. They both pushed down there hoods revealing smirking faces.

“I wonder how you guessed,” Lightning laughed.

“Payton?” I asked confused. He nodded.

“Good job,” he chuckled.

Mindy’s POV

“What do you mean he’s dead!” I hissed at Scar who recoiled. “How did I not hear about this!”

“I’m not sure but I heard someone went to visit him yesterday, the house was trashed blood was everywhere and his body was in a bathtub of blood. They told me to tell you since they didn’t want the Popo to get involved since his family are major drug dealers,” She told me.

“I’ll have to go and check it out, I guess I’ll have to take my tag along as well,” I said annoyed. I have no idea why Marcus even thought about accepting Aaron’s plead of moving up rank, he doesn’t have any skill at all.

“Yeah why is Aaron here? Isn’t he the new guy at school?” Scar asked smirking. Scar is the only one that knows that I’m Ice, she guessed straight up, she has an amazing eye. Well and of course Marcus and Red know about it as well but they are family.

“Something that he asked Marcus he wants to move up rank or something,” I said rolling my eyes. “Well I have to get changed so I can go check out his house. I’ll talk to you at school tomorrow,” I said hugging her.

I quickly changed into black leather pants; black tank top, black leather jacket and I put on some big black sunglasses and left my black heels on.

“Marcus change in plan I need to go sort something out, I’m taking Fire with me I want to see if he has a strong stomach or not,” I told Marcus as I walked back into the gym.

“Okay my pet, don’t walk into traps ok?” Marcus said worryingly.

“Yes Master.” Even though it seems like Marcus doesn’t care about me he actually does.  I walked back into the gym to see Lightning, Fire and the OJ twins playing two on two basketball while Scar and Red watched. “Okay break it up Fire and I need to go somewhere!” I yelled clapping my hands.

They all stopped and nodded their eyes raking over my body making me roll my eyes.

Fire walked up to me raising his eyebrow.

“Come on you idiot. I hope you have a strong stomach you’re going to need it,” I laughed and headed out the door.

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