Chapter 2

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EDITED 15-SEPT-2016 By IryshLily (full edit)

It had been two long months since I slept with Draco. The last few weeks I've been feeling really ill throwing up all the time, not being able to keep anything down, and not being able to handle certain smells. So September 1st I grabbing my trunk and Gryffindor Prefects Badge then I got on the bus to Kings Cross station. I arrived at 9:30   a.m. and decided to go to the Pharmacy because I was feeling even worse than normal. I just had to know what was going on.

I quickly explained my symptoms to the lady behind the counter, she got a strange look on face and she handed me a long thin box. “The bathrooms that way hun,” she said. I looked down and saw she'd handed me a pregnancy test. Wait..I can't be…I’m I? My mind raced as I walked to the restroom trying not to panic. 

I sat on the lavatory, tore the box open, scanned the instructions, and did the pregnancy test. Three agonising minutes later I burst into tears as the test came back positive.


After checking the box two more times to make sure I read it right I got up and gathered my stuff. I quietly headed to platform 9 & 3/4  I put my trunk on the train then went to the prefects carriage ,ten minutes later everyone had hustled in . Draco sat next to me was now staring at me "Have you been crying?" he mumbled I just shook my head yes and looked forward at the perfects heads

-Draco's POV-  *After the meeting *

"You may all leave " the head girl smiled at us all
as we hurried out. I grabbed Hermione's arm "What's wrong Mione?" I asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter." 

I sighed softly.”Of course it does!" 

Before she could answer I heard a voice,”Leave him alone you dirty little mud blood!" It was Pansy Parkinson's.

"With pleasure,” Hermione sighed and I felt something slip into my pocket


Hey all I hope you enjoyed!!

A one night fumble :A Dramione love storyWhere stories live. Discover now