The Wedding

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This chapter is going to be in both POV maybe someone else's POV too hope you enjoy!

*Hermiones POV*
I was sat in a chair Mrs Weasley had told me not to move from it was near the window I watched everyone putting the decorations up (our wedding was going to be in a Manor and the party at the Weasley's) "Hermione? Its nearly time to go" Mr Weasley said walking in "Dear you look beautiful" I smiled "thank you , can I ask you a question ?" He smiled and nodded "will you walk me down the aisle?" He gasped "are you sure?" I nodded "It would be my honor!!! Molly!!" He shouted running downstairs I smiled a little . the kids ran in and said they were going with Ginny and harry to the wedding I smiled
10 minutes later I walked downstairs and into the car with Mr Weasley who was very excited I smiled at him and giggled "Hermione Molly and I have a present for you " I looked at him"you didn't need to do that!" I hugged him he handed me a box "something old and something blue" I smiled and opened the box to see a hair piece "oh my... I can't take this... This should be given to Ginny not me.... " I said handing it back"Hermione we already had this its my mothers Ginny is getting one from Molly's mother please accept this gift " I smiled and nodded I placed it into my hair "that's beautiful"

*Draco's POV*
I was just trying to the tie my tie I was so nervous I saw my mother walk I "here let me" she tied it properly "come on or you will be late " she hugged me and myself her and Blaise went in the limousine (Hermione said its a muggle car) I had a shot of Fire whiskey and my nerves calmed slightly .

As we pulled up the the Mansion I was getting married in i saw my kids Scorp was wearing a suit like mine and Cissa was wearing her flower girls dress I got out and they ran and hugged me "hi daddy!! " Cissa shouted I smiled and said hi back we all walked in together after greeting guests I was surprised Snape showed up (he's my godfather)but he did I stood near the priest who was talking to Mrs Weasley I smiled then the music started.

*3rd Person POV*
Hermione was walking down the aisle she was smiling happily trying not to fall in the high heels Ginny had given her as her something borrowed.
Draco turned around and caught his loves eyes he smiled widely .
His fiancee -soon to be wife- finally arrived to him he smiled as Mr Weasley said"Take good care of her on warning you!" Hermione smiled and giggled Draco nodded a little scared "I will Sir!" Mr Weasley smiled and left them "we are gathered here today to witness the union on these two people if there is anyone who objects please speak now or forever hold your peace" after a long silence Hermione and Draco smiled at each other "let's get straight to it !" The priest smiled
*Hermiones POV*

Draco I take you to be my lawfully wedded husband.
Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you
as long as we both shall live.
I take you, with all your faults and strengths,
as I offer myself to you
with all my faults and strengths.
I will help you when you need help, and
turn to you when I need help.
I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

*Draco's POV*

Hermione Granger, I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife.
Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you
as long as we both shall live.
I take you, with all your faults and strengths,
as I offer myself to you
with all my faults and strengths.
I will help you when you need help, and
turn to you when I need help.
I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

*3rd person*
The priest smiled and said "I know pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride " Draco pulled Hermione close to him and kissed her their children were the first to smile and clap after they walked down the aisle they went to the party at the Weasley household

A one night fumble :A Dramione love storyWhere stories live. Discover now