Mother Dearest (unfinished)

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"Emilianne." Her rose red lips said my name carefully and softly, the same way I remember it.

A waft of a vanilla scent swirled around me, my favorite smell in the whole world. I remember going into her room and swiping her perfume bottle off of her dresser after I climbed on a chair to reach it. I used to spray it everywhere until it made my nostrils burn.

A warm feeling in my stomach erupted like a volcano. I took in a deep breath, filling my lungs with hot air.

"Mom?" I smiled as I said that word, the word I thought I would never say again. It felt so wonderful to say mom again. It was like honey on my lips, like taking the first bite of Erica's homemade fudge brownies. Seeing her again was even better.Her skin was a pale, ethereal tone. She was wearing a long, silky, eggshell colored gown that traced her every curve. Her thick, wavy hair was down to her waist like a cascade, a soft caramel color. Instead of the light brown color that filled her eyes before, a vibrant green took the pigment. Dying sure seemed to do her justice. She looked gorgeous. 

She lifted up her gentle arms and spread them out, waiting to embrace me. My eyes filled with hot and much too common tears. I sprinted across the empty space between us and crashed myself into her. She wrapped her arms around me as tight as she could and rubbed my back in small circles. Quiet sobs escaped my chapped lips as I buried my face into her chest, taking in as much of her scent as possible.

My mom layed her chin on top of my head gently, and started to sway back and forth slowly. "Shh, Em. It's alright, honey." Her whispers flowed into my ears like silk. I missed her voice so much.

"Mommy..I miss you, it's not fair..Its-" I was sobbing so hard I couldn't even understand my own words.

"Em, stop that right now." She said in a stern voice. "It's been three years, you and Erica are doing very well on your own. I've been watching." Her voice softened.

"I know, Mom. But..I miss you..What do you mean you've been watching?" My loud tears subsided into quiet ones, streaming down my cheeks.

"I miss you, too Em. More than you will ever know." Even while crying, my mother still looked beautiful. Her teardrops looked like small diamonds glinting off streaks of sunlight. "I would give anything in the world to be with you again." Our eyes were locked together. I felt a warm sensation go up my back, giving me goosebumps on my arms. My heart ached, it felt like it was literally cracking into two pieces inside of my rib cage.

"And I watch you and Erica, Em. All day, everyday. It's my favourite show. Nice job sticking up for that baby bird, sweetie." Her mouth shifted into a small smile.

My cheeks turned a shade of pink and got warm. I knew she was watching...

Changing the subject, my mom smiled so her white as snow teeth showed. "How is that boy, Cooper?"

I smiled faintly, thinking of Cooper. "Coop is good, mom."

"Does he still wear those grungy looking sneakers?" The corners of her mouth pulled into a frown, probably thinking about the time she tried to clean Cooper's shoes after he played in the rain outside.

A smile spread across my face. "Yes, mom. He wears the same shoes everyday."

She shook her head and rolled her pretty eyes. "Maybe you should talk Erica into buying him some new ones for Christmas, Em."

I laughed weakly and nodded.

Suddenly, a thought occurred in my mind. "Mom, Paul is back." I said quickly. Dammit Emilianne, I said to myself. Why did you just say that?

My mom stiffened, her whole body freezing in place. "What did you just say?"

I froze along with her and looked up at her. "Paul, I saw him while I was walking to school yesterday. He tried to talk to me on the way home, but I was with Cooper."

 Suddenly, her eyes darkened to black, and a hiss escaped from her teeth.


"Emilianne, I have to leave you now, but you have to promise me something."

"No, Mom...Don't leave me yet..." Tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

She gripped my shoulders with her bony fingers and squeezed.

I winced and nodded automatically. "Okay, okay..."

"Do not," she put heavy emphasis on not, "go to our old house, or anywhere near it. Do you hear me?"

"Why?" Confusion swept over my body.

"Em! Just promise me!" Her voice was much shaken, with a whole lot of urgency.

"Okay, Mom, Okay..." My eyes widened. "I promise."

The tensity in her body left, and she smiled softly. "Thank you. I love you Em."

Tears spilled out of my eyes and I nodded. "I love you too, Mom." My lips quivered.

My mom bent down, and kissed my forehead gently. It felt like someone threw a snowball where her lips made contact.

"I'll talk to you soon, I promise."

I nodded and let the tears stream down my burning cheeks. With that, she was gone.

I fell to the floor on my knees and started weeping. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2011 ⏰

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