Chapter 2- Grass

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Sorry this is going to be short.

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Chapter 2- Grass

I screamed and dug my nails into his arm until I felt his blood go under my fingernails. I was sure it was a male, no female could hold me like this, and no female had hairy arms like this.

There was no way that this was going to happen. He was going to let go of me, and when he did, I was going to run.

"Ow! Em!" He shouted. He dropped me and I flung to the ground like gravity wanted me to go to the center of the Earth.

I looked up at him and grinded my teeth. I picked up the biggest stone I could find on the ground and chucked it at him.

"Cooper!" I shrieked. My face was turning bright pink, I could feel my fuming anger rising to my cheeks. In a second, I was expecting steam to come out of my ears.

He looked at me, his eyes wide like an owls. I don't think he thought he scared me as bad as he did. He scared the life out of me. He rubbed his arm where the stone hit, it was going to leave a nasty bruise. Good, I thought. He deserved it.

"Cooper, what the hell!" I brushed my dirty hands on my sweat pants and helped myself up off the grass. I shoved him back as hard as I could. His lips curled slowly into a little smile, he bit his lower lip and tried not to laugh.

"How could you do that! You know I'm scared to walk home by myself, you idiot!" I was almost crying now, a few tears spilled over, but I managed to wipe them off my face before Cooper noticed.

"Em, I'm so sorry..I didn't know you were going to freak out like that." Cooper couldn't contain himself for a second longer, he bursted into a loud laughter. He grabbed his stomach and looked up at the sky.

I stared at him for a minute, and started laughing with him. I couldn't help myself. Cooper just had one of those laughs that you had to laugh at. And what he did was pretty amusing, I had to admit.

He shifted his eyes to me and continued laughing. We both sat on the grass and laughed until our sides hurt, which was about twenty minutes.

It felt good laughing. It was something that didn't occur in my life often.

Slowly, my laughing turned into sobbing and weeping. I layed on the grass and covered my face with both of my hands. Cooper crawled over to me on his hands and knees and moved my hands away from my face, his smile disappeared instantly. He sat me up and wraped his arms around me. He didn't say anything, all he did was hold me. And I had to admit to myself, it felt amazing.

"Em, I care about you." He said.  Obviously, I said to myself.

  "I think you need to get some help.." His voice trailed off and he looked down at the grass, playing with one of the blades in between his pale fingers. "Like, professional help.."

All feelings lost.

"What?" I whispered. I couldn't believe that him, of all people, was telling me to get help.

My face turned pink as I stood up slowly, pushing him away from me.

"I'm going home Cooper.." I wasn't going to tell him how much this was crushing my heart, I thought he supported me all the way, that he trusted me no matter what..

Maybe I was alone. Maybe I had to learn to be alone.

"Okay, Em. I'll walk you home." Cooper stated. He grabbed my hand and smiled.

I gave him a confused look and pulled my hand away from him softly. I looked down at the ground.

"Alone.." I turned around, and started walking on the sidewalk.

I walked for about a minute and a half. I realized that Cooper was only trying to help me, because he really did care. He was doing what friends were supposed to do. I was a complete and total mess, and he could see that. I guffawed at myself for being such an idiot and turned around to walk back to Cooper.


"Excuse me, miss?" Someones raspy voice stopped me in my trail, a very familiar voice.

A chill ran up my spine like an electrical current and I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked across the street to see who was trying to communicate with me.

I couldn't move. My feet were glued to the sidewalk

 The man in the blue trench coat stood at the curb across the street.

Oh God, I thought to myself.

The corners of his mouth pulled into a malicious smile. He looked left, then right, and started to cross the street.

Oh God, Oh God..

I stood my ground for another minute, and I decided that it was not safe. I didn't know who he was..although he did look really familiar.

"Cooper? Cooper are you still there?"

Cooper poked his head ot from behind the fence and looked at me. I knew he would stay there and watch me.

I held my arm up, with my hand open, wanting him to come grab it. I looked at the trench coat guy and back at Coop. The guy followed my gaze to Cooper and stood in the middle of the street.

Cooper looked at the guy and cocked his head to the side a little and moved his eyes back to me.

I sighed and looked at the ground and back at Coop, he really was empty minded sometimes.

"Get over here stupid!" I hissed through my teeth. I rolled my eyes so far back I swore I saw my own brain.

"Oh." He whispered. He tip-toed over to me in his blue worn out sneakers, and flashed me an apologetic smile.

I shook my head and couldn't help but smile back even though I was very nervous. I linked my arm with his.

The guy in the middle of the road pulled his mouth into a frown when we started to walk away from him in the opposite direction. My heart was still pounding rapidly in my rib cage, even though we were getting further and further away. There was something about him that made a cold chill run up my spine, he made the short hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight.

"Who was that guy, Em?" Cooper looked over his shoulder at the guy who was watching us walk away.

I shrugged my shoulders and didn't bother looking back at him. "I don't know Coop."

But I did know, I knew him from somewhere.

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