Chapter 7

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Hey Everyone! I'm back! I really hope you like this chapter!! I will be updating soon. There is swearing in this chapter. Just a warnin'!! Lots of love! -Hannah


CHAPTER 7: Alice took in a deep breath as she stepped inside of the massive ballroom. The room was beautiful and the light murmur of low delicate conversations whispered through the room with the soft 'tink' of champagne glasses.

The room was fully adorned from ceiling to floor in shimmering and elegant pale cream and dark beige silks. Sydney looped her arm in Alice's and gave her a reassuring smile. Alice tried to give her a smile, but her heart felt heavy as she stared at the large blown up picture of a smiling and laughing Cecily. Alice wanted to remember her that way, but then the image of her blood and body crowded her mind and crushed the good memories that Alice had of her.

She swallowed down the tightness in her throat as she and Sydney stepped off of last stair from the grand staircase.

Alice felt as if all the eyes were on her, which was disconcerting, so she hopefully told herself that they were staring at Sydney, because Sydney did look breathtaking.

She wore a beautiful dark blue lace dress that curved and hugged her body perfectly while her blonde locks curled around her face and fell down her shoulders.

Alice reflected on what she was wearing and what she had looked like in the mirror right before they left. She did have to give credit to Sydney though, because even Alice thought that she looked stunning tonight. She felt like a princess and slightly over-exposed with the dress Sydney had chosen.

It was a beautiful scarlet red satin dress that had a plunging V in the front and thin-spaghetti straps that looped down to the back of the dress which-there was no back, only draping low, showing off the frail contours and smooth curves of her back.

Her hair was up, onyx curls loose to hang down and tickle the skin of her long neck and whisper against her cheeks. She went light with the makeup- opting for a light grey smoky eye shadow and a pale nude lipstick and some simple diamond stud earrings.

She felt so inadequate next to all of the beautiful women that decorated the room wearing strings of pearls and layers of jewels.

Sydney squeezed her arm reassuringly.

"You look amazing," she whispered in her ear.

Sydney was her best friend so of course she knew what Alice was thinking.

"It is going to be okay." She said softly and kissed Alice's cheek.

Alice smiled slightly and then let her eyes roam the faces of the room.

All the men wore expensive tuxedos and the women wore even more expensive dresses. Each woman looked immaculate in what they were wearing-how much-or how little they wore.

All of them wore smiles almost as blinding as the diamonds and gems they wore and their eyes looked as smooth and cool as the silk napkins that decorated the fine china.

Sydney began talking to an older man and woman and Alice's mind wandered.

Soon, she found herself drifting away from the safety of her best friend and closer to the pictures hung on the walls.

Cecily decorated the walls.

Her picture was everywhere and blown up, some smaller than others and all different.

Sometimes she posed with a demure smile, her eyes glinting.

Some were of her in the sun, her hair shining like burnished copper and her eyes happy.

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