Collection 1

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Is it necessary to pick up the broken pieces?
Does everything have to work out?
Because we are all masterpieces,
that don't need to be fixed .
We're perfectly imperfect,
beautifully torn,
pulled apart pieces of art.
Hello. I'm Cara Highland. I write shit. *drops mic*
Sooooo this is a completely random book of life and poems and sadness and whatever is on my mind, also the occasional rant.
To start out this random ass compilation of my twisted mind, I'm going to rant about Relationships.
I just recently entered a new relationship, he's amazing❤️. Enough of that shit, things I hate about relationships, SWEATY PALMS. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT WHEN "Pickle's" (that's what we're gonna call my boyfriend ;)) hands are clammy. IT BOTHERS ME TO NO END AND MAKES ME WANNA CHOP OF HIS HANDS WITH A MEAT CLEAVER :)))))).
Anyway, another thing I don't like is the amount of publicity relationships get, let me clarify. If me and Pickle take an adorable picture damn straight I'm gonna post it. But I hate when I'm minding my business in class as some loud mouth goes "HEY CARA HOWS PICKLE" and I'm all like "Pickle is fine...". What do they expect me to say, "PICKLE IS DEAD! I KILLED HIM."
Anywhoooooooo! This is the end of my chapter, sorry it's so short but I'm reaaaaaaaaally tired, I'll be back with Relationships Part 2, next week!

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