Chapter 5

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~~~~In the Everfree Forest~~~~

Fluttershy ran and ran, as fast as she could. She felt herself losing control of within every step. Until finally she collapsed to the floor and slowly shut her eyes. Fluttershy was no longer Fluttershy. She has just turned into the creature that ponies would fear the most...Flutterbat. She flew into the sky as she flapped her enormous bat wings. Her red eyes glowed in the night. There was only one thought she had in her head, apples. She had a thirst for nice, red, juicy apples. And Flutterbat knew exactly where to find them at. Sweet Apple Acres.

She flew to Sweet Apple Acres and silently landed in one of the trees and started to eat the apples ferociously. What she didn't know was that she was being watched. The apple family came home from the gala until they heard something rustling in the trees.

"You guys go to bed. I'll see what's goin on out here." Said Applejack.

"But I want to come with you!" Said Applebloom.

"You can't come, it might be dangerous. Big Mac, can you make sure that Applebloom gets to bed." She asked.

"E'yup" Big Mac replied and him and Applebloom went into the barn.

Applejack started to walk into the orchard to find out where the sound was coming from. She kept walking until she saw something in one of the trees. She got closer and closer until Flutterbat turned around to see Applejack. She stared at her with her blood, red eyes while the moon was glowing. Flutterbat nearly ate all of the apples from the tree and craved more. Then she noticed Applejack's cutiemark.

'Apples!' She thought as she licked her lips.

Applejack noticed all the apples she had eaten and realized that her cutie mark was apples.

"Uh oh." She said.

Within a instant Flutterbat swooped down from the tree and started to fly toward Applejack. Applejack started running through the orchard, trying to escape the beast. But while she was running, she accidentally cut herself on a sharp stick. It stung really bad but she kept running. Applejack hid behind some trees for hours. Flutterbat kept flying until she smelled something that lifted her tastebuds. She flew down to the ground to see what it was. She saw a sharp stick that was covered with Applejack's blood.

Without questioning, she licked it off the stick, all of it. Her eyes lit up, she didn't care about apples anymore, she cared about something she will not rest to get. Blood. Flutterbat flew up into the sky to get a better view on where Applejack was. Applejack was running toward the barn to warn about Flutterbat. But Flutterbat quickly flew over to her and landed right in front of her. Applejack tried to find another way, but it was no use. She was cornered with no escape.

Applejack never felt more terrified in her life until now. She knew what was going to happen next so she closed her eyes so she could get it over with. Flutterbat was inches away from her neck. Flutterbat opened her mouth about to suck Applejack's blood, until she felt a spot of warmth on her back. She turned around to see that the sun was rising up. Flutterbat hissed and flew away. Applejack on the other hoof was now scared for life.

After the sun was fully out, Applebloom went to Applejack to tell her that breakfast was ready.

"Applejack!! Breakfast is ready!!" Applebloom shouted as she ran to her sister.

But Applejack stood there stiff, her eyes were wide but they did not blink and she was shaking.

"Uh...Applejack? Are you ok?" Applebloom asked.

Just then Applejack past out and fell to the ground.

"APPLEJACK!!! DON'T WORRY IM GONNA GO GET HELP!!!" Applebloom screamed as she ran into ponyville to find Twilight for help.

(Hello my little ponies!! Hope you guys are having a great day and OMC NOT APPLEJACK!!!!!! THE WORST PART IS THAT SHE DOESNT KNOW THAT ITS FLUTTERSHY!!!! Hoped you guys like this chapter, make sure to comment and vote and I'll see everypony in the next chapter!! 😄😄😄)

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