Chapter 7

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~~~~Twilight's Castle~~~~

Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Discord made it to Twilight's castle and Applejack was acting crazier than Pinkie Pie! She was hiding in the tree that was hanging above the table and she was terrified then seeing a timberwolf.

"Applejack!! If you would just tell us what happened we can help you!" Twilight tried to reason.

"NO!!! Can't come down, she gonna get you!!!!! Corner you to the wall ready to suck the life out of its prey!!!" Applejack said creepily as she clinged to the branch.

"Applejack...calm yourself." Said Discord.

"Easy for you to say!!!! Your red eyes weren't starin' into my soul!!!!" Applejack shouted at him.

"I'm confused. What the heck is she talking about?" Discrod asked.

"That's what we're trying to figure out!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while trying to pull Applejack off of the branch.

Then Fluttershy flew up to Applejack to reason with her.

"Applejack, we know something happened and all we want to know is what happened. I assure you that if you tell us then we can find a way to help." Fluttershy said gently.

Applejack was breathing heavily, but it looked like she was calming down.

"Ok...ok I comin' down." Applejack finally said as Fluttershy picked her up and set her down in her chair.

"Now, tell us what happened last night." Said Fluttershy.

", Applebloom, and Bigmac were coming home from the gala, until I heard something coming from the apple orchard. I told Bigmac to take Applebloom inside while I'll go see what's the trouble. After I found out what the noise was coming from, I didn't believe what I saw!" Applejack explained.

Everypony eyes widened, all except for Fluttershy, she was starting to get in easy with Applejack's story.

"I couldn't really see what it was, all I could remember was how fast it flew and the...the...r-red terrifying eyes!!!" She continued as she was starting to hyperventilate again.

"Just calm down a darling, and talk slowly." Said Rarity.

"...that...thing, was eating all my apples in the orchard, and it mistaken my cutie mark for apples. That's when it started to chase me down . I ran and ran until I accidentally cut myself on a branch. While that thing was still looking for me, I started running to the barn to warn my family until that creature cornered me! There was no escape! It came closer and closer, ready to suck every drop of blood in me! I closed my eyes not see those eyes, until the sun was rising up and that's when it flew away." Said Applejack finishing her story.

Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, and Discord's jaws dropped to the floor. Fluttershy couldn't take it anymore and immediately ran out of Twilight's castle with tears in her eyes.

"Fluttershy wait!!!" Discord said as he ran after her.

Fluttershy's friends just watched him run after her and they all had a questioning look on their faces.

"You guys don't think that Discord and Fluttershy know." Rarity asked.

"Don't be silly Rarity! That would never happen! Right Pinkie?" Rainbow asked.

"Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhh......Gotta bounce!!!" Pinkie squealed as she bounce her way out of Twilight's castle through the wall.

(Ok...something happened to me I had an English test and there were some questions that asked whether it was 1rst person POV, 2nd pov, etc. and the last question...the first TWO SENTENCES said this...."You are a pony. Your name is Applejack." I LEGIT DIED IN CLASS TODAY!!!! I WAS LIKE, IM DONE IM OUTTA HERE!!! I dint said it out loud though. Now since my little rant is over...that was the next chapter, hoped you ponies liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see you ponies in the next chapter!!!)

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