The Resorting

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3rd Person POV

The 4 Gryffindor's were sitting together in the Great Hall at the Gryffindor Table talking in whispers when all that can be heard is... "Silence!" Yelled Professor McGonagall "I have 4 students that need re-sorting: Hermione Granger," Mcgonagall coughs realising her mistake, "Sorry, I mean Mia Zabini" Mia stood up and walked to the front of the hall while people whispered "Miss Zabini formally known as Hermione Granger was adopted and just found out "McGonagall informed the hall, she placed the hat on her head it yelled "Slytherin!" The entire Slytherin table erupted into cheers but the loudest came from Anna, Draco , Blaise and Theo. Mia joined the four and kissed Draco on the cheek. "Ginny Weasley" said Professor McGonagall and everyone gasped. The hat was placed on her head and it yelled " Slytherin!" The Slytherin's cheered louder but the Gryffindor's minus Becca and Harry gasped."Harry Potter" The famous Harry Potter stood up kissed Becca on the cheek then walked to the front of the Hall. The hat bearly touched his head when it yelled "Slytherin!" again cheers from the Slytherin table could be heard while the whole school was in shock. "And finally Becca Harris" Becca stood up and walked to the fron tof the hall , once the hat touched her head it screamed"Slytherin!". Now the 4 couples were together in the same house. Ginny kissed Blaise, Harry kissed Becca, Anna kissed Theo and Mia kissed Draco then suddenly

"Woah, hold up, you expect me to believe that the girl i knew as Hermione Granger is now Mia Zabini and now dating the Ferret, My so-called-sister is in Slytherin and dating one and my so-called-best -friend is now a Slytherin!" yelled Ronald. " Shut-up Weasel you two timing piece of a shit man whore!!!" Mia, Ginny,Anna and Becca screamed. Everyone gasped "yeah , that's right ,Ronald Shagged a girl behind my back when we where dating and i caught him a month after the war!" Mia Yelled. Then an owl came flying in with a howler and placed it in front of Ron"RONALD WEASLEY, YOU TOLD ME YOU DUMPED MIA, NOW I HEAR YOU CHEATED ON HER AND SHE CAUGHT YOU AT IT , YOU MISTER ARE NOW GROUNDED FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR, EVERY PERSON THAT PASSES YOU IN THE HALL NOW HAS MY PERMISSION TO USE WHATEVER SPELL THEY WANT ON YOU, YOU ARE TO STAY AWAY FROM MIA, GINNY AND THEIR FRIENDS oh and Ginny congratulations on getting into somewhere where you are comfortable and congratulations Mia for discovering who you are." then the Howler then turned to Ron and sneered at him and shredded to bits then another owl came in and landed in front of Ginny, she read it aloud to her friends"Dear Mia, Ginny and Harry , Arthur and I would like to apologise for Ron's behavior .Charlie will be coming to teach at Hogwarts as the new DADA teacher and the twins gave WWW to Lee Jordan and will be coming to be the new flying teachers, i think they will like that. Keep an eye on Ron and the twins for us will you, signed Molly and Arthur Weasley" said Ginny

Mia's POV

"Hey Peeves, come here for a second" i said. Everyone looked at me like i was crazy "What do you want?" he asked" It concerns your two favorite pranksters Fred and George" at this everyone and peeves perked up to listen " I Have news Peeves, your friends have decided to come back to Hogwarts as the new Flying teachers" i whispered to him , hearing this Peeves was delighted and he sped around the hall yelling " The Prank kings are coming back , the Prank kings are coming back" over and over again "SILENCE!" yelled Professor McGonagall yelled "I have 4 announcements to make , the first one as Peeves has already been informed about is that the Weasley twins have decided to come back to Hogwarts as the new flying teachers, second is that Charlie Wealsey is the Defence against the dark arts teacher , 3rd is that Draco Malfoy and Mia Zabini are head girl and boy and Ginny Weasley and Blaise Zabini are Deputy head boy and girl," the 4 students stand up with pride,"and the last is that Oliver Wood has decided to come back to Hogwarts for a Quidditch demonstration with the English Quidditch team. This is demonstration will take place a week before the Quidditch season begins" McGonagall sits down so the 4 heads sit as well , as they sit down the doors of the Great Hall Fly open and the Weasley twins come flying in a Charlie on his broom behind them. The twins and Charlie get off their brooms in the isle that separates the Slytherin table from the Gryffindor Table, walk over to Ron and hit him on the back of the head then walk over to us, they hug Ginny then harry then me "Heya Mia," all 3 say. " Hello Gred, hello Forge and hello to you too Charlie," i said. "This is my friend Becca Harris , my younger twin brother Blaise and my younger sister by a year Anna and of course you Draco and Theodore" "Which one of you lads is dating our little sister" said Charlie. I Point to Blaise , " Harry who you dating?" asked Fred, i pointed to Becca "Anna?" she points to Theo."And you Mia , who you dating now?" i point to Draco. Their mouths fall open and they stand there in shock than finally snapped out of it and started threatening Draco telling him that if he broke my heart he will be sorry and they said the same thing to Blaise as well.

3rd Person POV

That night the 4 heads went to the Heads common room with their 4 friends and the 3 other Weasley's. Their common room was in the ROR ( the room of requirement) and the password was Olympus ( everyone told Mia to choose the password so she chose part of her name ) and there was a spell that you had to perform to make the Omega sign<google it>. They spent the night having fun and going to bed at 4 am , the 3 Weasley teacher's left at 12 am to get ready for classes .

End of chapter

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