Return of The Dead

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In the Ministry of magic ,inside the Department of Mysteries unknown to anyone the magic veil, where Sirius Black had fallen into several years ago, was malfunctioning. Suddenly the mirror cracked and in came running Mia Malfoy (nee Zabini) and her husband Draco, Harry and Becca potter ( Nee Harris), Theo and Anna Nott ( Nee Zabini), Blaise and Ginny Zabini( Nee Weasley) all of whom were summoned by Ministry Officals and several Ministry Officials and Aurors.

Then out of the mirror stumbled out a confused Sirius Black ( Padfoot) himself followed by a weiry Remus ( Moony) And his wife Nymphadora( Tonks) Lupin, a bouncy James Potter ( Prongs) and his wife Lily Potter ( Nee Evans),who scolds her husband, as well as the Prewett Brothers and finally Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape. They turned and saw the young adults standing there then Teddy Lupin ran to his mum and dad and hugged them followed by Harry hugging James and lily and introducing Becca, then Mia hugging Sirius and explaining what happened ( How she had found out who she was and how she married Draco). Suddenly Lily walked up to Severus and held her hands out for a hug and Sev being Sev hugged her and she forgave him for his past mistakes not before slapping him of course.

Later on the Minister of Magic (Kingsley Shacklebolt) made an announcement on the Daily Prophet letting everyone know that two former headmasters of Hogwarts, the Potters ,Lupins, the Prewett Brothers and Sirius Black had come back from the veil of the dead. Many people celebrated their return. When Sirius Asked " Where's Ron, Mia?" ,Mia said " He's been sent to Azkaban as he tried to kill Draco on our wedding day."

Soon Lily and James found out that Harry married Becca, luckily Harry had put a spell on a video camera to follow them around and video the entire wedding. The whole gang plus The 3/4 Marauders, Lily, Tonks, Fabian , Gideon,and the two former headmasters watched the wedding as well as Mia's

Soon the 3/4 of the Marauders, Sev, Albus, Tonks and Lily Met Blaise, Anna and Mia's parents ( Isabella and Antonio Zabini), Theo's Parents, Met the Weasley's again ( the brothers gave Molly a shock and Fred and George got to meet their heroes) and Becca's parents ( who were Muggles as she is a Muggleborn).

Finally everyone was together.

(A/N The name Prewett was Molly Weasley's Maiden name and the Prewett brother's are her younger brothers that dies in the war Btw Neville's parents are back to normal as Bellatrix's wand was snapped when she died breaking the curse)

A/A/N {Another Authours Note} Mia Becomes Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts with Draco bring Potions Master but Mia and Draco also are head of houses ( Mia Being her old house Gryffindor and Draco being Slytherin)but also Mia owns a Fashion business called J.G in memory of her old adoptive mother which runs in both Muggle and Wizardry worlds. Draco owns Malfoy Industries which is a car, Clothing, book publishing business but also owns hotels in both Muggle and magic worlds).

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