Chapter 2

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Harry's P.O.V:
It has been a few days since I'd seen Louis. No,  I didn't tell anyone but I was scared. What if I went back to the park and Louis wasn't there? What if none of it was real and Louis wasn't going to come back to me like he said. Losing him once was hard enough on me. Even though I was not doing much better the little hope I got kept me going. I was eating once a day on my own and at least leaving my room occasionally, just to sit with everyone even though I never said anything. I finally decided that I couldn't keep going off of false hope. It would only be worse in the long run, I was already broken, the only thing that could change was for the better. I had nothing to lose so why not try it. 

I slid on one of Louis' hoodies before I left, just wanting to have some kind of comfort with me. I walked to the park with my head down, maybe I was crazy for thinking he would be there, maybe not. I didn't stop at the park to look around for him, I walked straight into the woods. If I was going to come out Louis would show me the way. If he didn't there would be no point in coming out anyways. I found my way back to the stream and sat with my back against a tree, closing my eyes to pass the time. Then, once again I felt Louis next to me. Instead on opening my eyes i just leaned against him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Angel, where have you been? I was beginning to worry that you had forgotten me." His arms were wrapped around me, one hand gently running up and down my side. 

"I didn't forget you, I was scared you wouldn't be here. Can't you come with me so everything can be okay again?" I looked up at him and felt on the verge of crying again. I wanted him back so bad and just to be here was enough to prove that it was real. 

"I can't because then everyone would know our secret. Secrets are for keeping so no one else knows. One day you will join me and you will understand. Until then this is all we get."

"This isn't fair. I.. I thought you were dead, it hurts not to have you with me all the time. Are you really gone?" Louis looked at me sympathetically, like he knew what he did ruined me. If he knew why did he do it? It wasn't fair to me and I didn't like it. 

"No angel, I am not gone because I am here. If I was really gone I wouldn't be here. I know it's not fair angel and I did it because I had to. You will understand one day but not until then. I want you to stay strong for me until I can hold you in my arms forever again." None of this is making sense and it just upsets me further. How did he know I was thinking that? It scared me more than anything. Before saying anything back I climbed onto his lap, straddling his waist and looking at him. 

"I want to know now Louis, I want to know why you left me. You broke me in a million pieces and left me here alone." I was crying again, tears falling from my face. Louis sighed and used his thumbs to wipe the tears off before they froze from the cold weather. 

"You are my angel and I'm protecting you. I love you." He whispered in a soft voice, pressing his lips against mine for a kiss. It wasn't a short kiss like the ones we shared during the time before his death. No, it was a passionate kiss that made my head spin and made me lose my breath. That was what I had longed for, even before he died; or didn't die. I was still confused about that. Even more so because that kiss felt pretty damn real, there was no way I was imagining this. It lasted for a few minutes at least, time was hard to keep track of at this point, afterwards I pulled away and looked down at our laps. 

"I love you too Louis." I whispered, barely able to hear myself say it. Louis knew I loved him, he also knew I was broken because of it. 

"You should get back home angel, I don't want you outside at night. Its dangerous." Louis pushed Harry's hair back from his face and put two fingers under his chin so Harry would look up at him. "Ill carry you out of the woods so you don't get lost, go straight home after wards." I nodded obediently, I had always followed every rule that Louis gave me. 

I snuggled against Louis' chest safe in his arms on the way out of the woods. I was happy once again, happy that Louis was back in my life. Much less than he used to be but it was better than him being dead. He stopped just inside the treeline and tried to set me down. I on the other hand didn't like that idea. I wasn't ready to go and be alone yet. I wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly, refusing to let go so he could leave me again. I held on, taking shallow breaths, I was panicking again in fear that I wouldn't see him again. He knew what was going on and tried to comfort me, it didn't work. He texted my mum for me and sat down, allowing me to curl up on his lap while I cried and whined to him about leaving me. He assured me that he would see me again if I came and that my mum would take good care of me. She was going to come pick me up, I didn't want to leave Louis and I couldn't handle walking home afterwards. 

When she arrived 15 minutes later I forced myself away from Louis and got into the car. I had calmed down enough so I was no different than normal, I didn't want to be questioned. I stared blankly out the window and went back to my room when we got home. The only time I wasn't numb was when I was with Louis. I wanted to be strong for him but it was impossible when he wasn't with me. It was late and my emotional day had morn me out as usual. I stripped down to my boxers and turned off the light climbing into bed. I began to doze off and within a few minutes I was almost asleep. In my half asleep state I felt someone wrap their arms around me and pull me close. I snuggled against them and let them comfort me. 

"Goodnight angel." Was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. 


Much tired, need sleep. But I decided to write another chapter just so I had a start to this story. I love you all which is why I updated this chapter. Please vote and comment Lovelies!

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