Chapter 3

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Harry's P.O.V.

When I woke up in the morning I was alone again. I should have known I would be, I just hoped he would be there. I sighed and got up to take a shower and get dressed. It was already almost noon and I didn't want to spend the day in my room if I could be in Louis' arms until it got dark and he would make me leave. After my shower I went downstairs and said goodbye to my mum. She seemed happy that I was going out even though she didn't know where. It was perfectly fine with me that she didn't know because Louis said she couldn't and if she did know that I was going to see Louis she wouldn't believe me and would probably think I was crazy. Maybe I was, I don't know, but it didn't matter because real or not I got to be with him and that's all that mattered.

I walked down the sidewalk past people talking on their phones, in too much of a hurry to even stop and think about what actually matters in their lives. It never really bothered me before but it did then, I never knew how much one person could effect someone and their life before that night that Louis got in the accident. Ever since then when I see a parent walking down the side of the road, holding their little human's hand and texting with the other it makes me want to slap them. Their child should mean so much more than their phone. The path to where I walked to meet Louis had began to become memory, I didn't even have to think about it and if I was blind I would still be able to get there without a problem. I sat beside the little tree and looked over to the water that had frozen over and was now just ice. Life seems like a cup of water. You're fine, a glass perfectly full until some takes part of you or spills you. Only then would someone else come along and refill your glass, cleaning up the mess someone else had made of your life. When that person is gone however, that glass gets put in the freezer and forgotten about. Is there really any way to make that glass back into water without someone else? I sigh, the answer was no, specifically I couldn't without that someone being Louis. I was freezing and I had been sitting for a while, maybe ten minutes.

"Louis where are you?" I whispered, wanting him to show up and quickly. I didn't like being in the woods alone, especially when I was freezing. What could I do though? There was no way I was going back home to lay in bed all day, I thought maybe if I laid down and took a nap next to that tree Louis would be there when I woke up. Laying under the tree in the snow was cold but comforting. Comforting in the sense that I had been in Louis' arms, safe and protected sitting under the same tree. As I drifted off to sleep I held onto that.

When I woke up I was no longer cold, or on the ground. At first I had thought nothing of it until I realized that I was supposed to be sleeping under the tree in the park to wait for Louis. I wasn't though, I looked around the room I was in, it wasn't familiar but I was calm. It was strange because I wanted to freak out and cry but I was okay. Someone knocked on the door and I bit my lip, I had no idea who it was and wouldn't saying come in be inviting them? My thoughts were interrupted by Louis walking in the room. A smile immediately took over my face and i jumped off the bed and onto him. 

"I was worried, I waited for you and you weren't there." I mumbled into his shoulder, closing my eyes. His arms were wrapped around me protectively as he shut the door and carried me to the bed. 

"Would I ever leave my angel?" He asked, not thinking of the fact that he already did. I didn't say anything in response and he quickly caught on. "You have to be careful, it's dangerous if you are out alone."

"I know, I'm sorry but I wanted to see you." I mumbled, looking down at the floor. Getting in trouble with Louis had always been my least favorite thing to do. 

"It's okay but just text me from now on okay? This isn't what I brought you here for though, I want to give you a choice. You can stay here with me, but you can't let anyone know where you are. Which means you can't see your family. It probably best if you disappeared like I did. If you choose to stay here there are things we need to talk about..." Louis looked away from me, which isn't usual for him. The thought of being with him again was perfect but I didn't want my family to believe I was dead.

"I don't know... Can't I have time to think about this?"  How could I possibly make a decision between Louis and my family? My family had never done anything to hurt me but I couldn't function properly without Louis. "I want you both. Why can't I just have that again Louis? Why are you making me choose?" I began to panic about it, I moved away from Louis and curled up on the bed. 

"Make your decision Harry. If you ever want to see me again you have to say goodbye to them. It's not my choice and I could have just let you believe I was dead. Do you want that Harry? No one will ever believe you that I am alive and you will have to lose me again. By your choice this time." Louis spoke clearly but his voice wasn't soft and gentle, almost as if he was upset. All of it was so confusing and I didn't understand it. I knew though that I couldn't lose Louis again. 

"I choose you... What do I have to do?" I whispered, tears spilling down my cheeks I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. 


I know its taken me more than forever  for me to update this but I went to the hospital and have lots of stuff to do for color guard/ theatre stuff going on right now. I might have a friend help me write this? If I do she will be amazing and there will be updates sooner. 

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