Part 3 (Promise Me)

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"We are going to Paris for some business matters and Im afraid it would take us a month  or two there, so me and your mother have decided to let you and Criss stay at a friend's house." My dad said firmly.

"What!?" I was surprised of what I heard from my father.

"Sweetie, it's just a month...or two." My mom said.

"But, you can't just leave us in somebody's house. You were all freaking out whenever I would came home late, and now, you're're just..leaving us in somebody's house?!" I can't help but be hysterical. Knowing that I'll be spending two whole months living with people whom I haven't even met yet, now tell me,who wouldn't be?

"Just relax sweetie, Im not going to let you live with someone whom I don't even know. Listen, Ben is my closest friend and I already spoke with him regarding with you and Criss, and he was all okay about it." My dad explained to me.

"Okay, let's just say that Im all ok with it. But what about my band? What about my school? What about my chips?" okay, well chips is a little bit not important here, but i ran out of words,so thats what came out of my mouth. My precious chips.

"Im pretty sure we could arrange that. So, are we ok here?" My dad asked me.

"Do I look like I have any choice?" I said, pouting.

I was making my way out the living room when my dad called out.

"Oh, and by the way sweetie, doont forget to be nice to them." He said, and with that, I walked up to my roomand locked the door. I just wanted to have some alonetimewith myself right.

This is it, its final, Im going to live with complete strangers in one house. Could this turn out  any better?


I woke to the lights coming frommy windows, it was bloody blinding me!

I sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. That's when I noticed the clock in my desk. It was already 8 am! School starts in about 30 min, and here I am still lying on my bed. 

I quickly grabbed my towel and head off to take a quick shower, once I was done, I quickly grabbed any clothes that I get from my wardrobe-which is a  highwaist short and a white loose top with a cheetah    logo in it and put it on then I grabbed my black vans shoes and my black bodybag and literally ran off downstairs, I went to the kitchen where my mom was, making sandwiches for Criss and dad, who, as always, was busy reading the newspapers. 

"Morning mom,dad..Criss!" i said.

I quickly grabbed a piece of sandwich and ran out of the house while hearing my mom shouting something like 'dont get running with the sandwiches again'.

I hopped on to my convertibe and drove faster than I can to school, I barely got 10 minutesleft before first period starts and I better not get a detention just for being late, andfor the record, Im unfortunately late!

I walked through the empty corridors towards the room where my first class is, which is History. when I reached the back door of the classroom,I saw Mr.Barns writing something on the board soI took the oppurtunity and I slowly get in and walked straight  to my sit,which is at the second row,beside Jared. But before I could sit down, Mr.Barns already turned around and saw me.

"What a joy being late and called out in class, Miss Collins eh?" Mr.Barns said,looking straight through me.

"Im sorry for being late Mr.Barns." Isaid, while trying to keep it casual.

"I see you want to show off your new  hairstyle?" He said.

Then the whole class started laughing, thats when I realized something.

Holy cow!I forgot to comb my hair.I quickly brushed my hairoff with my hand when he then spoke again.

"Lucky I got a date later(note the sarcasm), next time you're late, i'll give you detention. Sit!" He said.

with that, I quickly sat down. "Hey, whats up with the hair?" Jared said, holding outa laugh at me.

"You think thisis funny?" I whispered while glaring at him.

"Chillax, Just asking ya know?" He said, I was about to say something when I heard someone cough.

"Mind telling me what you two are up to, Mister Evans?" Mr. Barns spoke out loud.

"Ummm..nothing Mr.Barns." Jared said still holding in a laugh.

Mr.Barns then turned around and continued with the lecture. The class went by as usual-boring.

I was doodling at my notebook, waiting for the class to be over, I was a bit sleepy and then everything went black.


"riley,Riley wakeup!' I heard someone say, then I slowly sat up and realized that class wasalready over.

"Doyou realize that you've slept half of the class hour?" He saidwhie still chuckling.

"Ohshut up,will ya? Come on,let'sgo." I said soundingirritated at him.

we were walking down the corridor while I was still rubbingmyface and checking if I have any saliva in myface when i bumped into someone. 

"Watch out where you're going,will ya?" 

I looked up to see who it was and I was really pissed when I saw his arrogant face.


Not so long chapter.

Still working on the next one.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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