Chapter 42

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May's P.O.V
(4 months later)
"Nervous?" My dad asks as Raya puts the veil in my hair.

"Maybe just a little. But I'm marrying the guy I love so I'm overjoyed at the same time." I tell him, taking deep breaths.

That's right. After 4 months of planning I'm finally marrying Aidan and I couldn't be more thrilled.

"No need to be nervous but to be honest I was too when I married your mother." He says, placing a arm on my shoulder.

I laugh a little and smile.

"Okay. Time to get this show on the road." Raya says. Raya is my maid of honour and my bridesmaids are some of my friends from my old pack.

"It's time." I say to myself, smoothing down my dress.

"You look beautiful sweetie. Don't worry." Dad says, taking my hand and placing it on his arm.

We walk out of the room and down the stairs. From there we head outside to the garden and follow the path to the woods. The walk to the clearing where the ceremony is being held isn't far away. We turn left and wait for Raya and the bridesmaids to go down the aisle. Soon enough it's our turn.

We step through the little arch and I keep my eyes on my feet so I don't trip but I hear everyone stand up and turn around. Dad and I pause at the end of the driveway and that's when I glance up.

My eyes flick to everyone I love for a second then fall on Aidan. I get lost in his eyes and smile at him. He sends me a full blown grin. I have to say he looks rather dashing in his suit.

The flower petals that are covering the aisle feel soft under my heels. After what feels like a long time we reach Aidan. My dad takes my hand from his arm and places it on Aidan's hand. He kisses my cheek and then goes to take his seat. I send Aidan a smile as we step up to stand in front of the priest.

(Skipping the ceremony)
"Introducing the newley weds!" We hear through the speakers. We've just been in the pack house getting photos taken and now we're in a different clearing where the reception is held.

There's a loud round of applause as we walk into the clearing hand in hand.

Food is served and everyone is happily eating. After they finish I stand up.

"Hi everyone. I know it's not traditional for the bride to make a speech but I think it's fair to say that we're not traditional considering we're either all werewolves or know about werewolves. I just want to thank everyone for coming. It means the world to me that you would all take time out of your lives to come watch me get married to the person I love. Thank you to my beautiful maid of honour Raya who has taken my under her wing when I joined this pack. I'm so happy you're my best friend. And to my bridesmaids. Thanks for braving the journey and the dress shopping. And since we stuck to the traditional vows I've decided to make this little speech. I can't even explain how much I'm in love with this man" I take Aidan's hand when I say this. "I'm happy to say that I will be spending the rest of my life with this incredible, kind, amazing and protective man. I couldn't imagine anything better. And yes we haven't known each other long, but I know that my life will always be better when he is around. Before I wrap up my speech I just want to tell you all that before the wedding I counted all the silver so don't even think about it." I say, making everyone laugh. "So to the love of my life. To the groom." I say, raising my glass.

Aidan stands up.

"How do I hold your attention after a speech like that. We have quite a few more speeches so I'll try not to talk too much. Like May said, it means a lot that you all came out to share in our happiness. I couldn't imagine a better day or a better girl to share this with. May you mean the world to me. I hope that our future will be full of fond memories. In fact I know we will. For the record May, take care of my heart. Because you will always be carrying it with you. Forever may seem like a long time. But if I'm with you it won't nearly be long enough. Everyone raise your glasses to my beautiful wife. To the bride." He says.

Dad stand up next.

"Well let's make this quick. Aidan, not only do I have claws. But I also have a very large gun selection. So I suggest you take care of my baby girl. It feel like yesterday I was holding this bundle of beauty for the first time. I think there's even a photo of it. I look happy. She's screaming." Everyone laughs. "She did eventually calm down and I've watched her grow up to be this beautiful young women you see before you. And I've enjoyed every second of it. I'm happy that you have found someone so deserving of your affection. To the bride and groom." He finishes.

Josh stands up.

"Surprise. I'm make a speech. You can't escape me now. This will be fast I promise. To Aidan. Take care of my sister or I will hunt you down. And to May, I do dearly love you since I first saw my new little sister. The years went by and I have a very distinct memory of the time I snapped your favourite barbie in half and you stamped on my foot so hard that you broke a few of the bones. Let's just say from them on I stayed out of her way. So raise your glasses once again to the bride and groom." He says.

Raya's next.

"Okay. So I'm the maid of honour. For those who don't know me, I'm Raya. For those who do know me, prepare to run. No I'm just kidding. May I haven't known you for long. But I've been enjoying every minute of being you 'crazy' best friend. Her words not mine. And to my Alpha. Aidan I've seen the love you hold for May so I am very happy for you. To the happy couple." She finishes.

And finally Tom.

"Hey there. You probably guessed that I am the best man. And yes this is the last speech. So I better make it good. Aidan I've known you all my life. I've seen the good times and the embarrassing times. Like when we some how simultaneously tripped in mid air. My mum has the photo to prove it. May. I've known you for a short time. But it has been fun. You're happy to hang with the guys and yet you manage to maintain girl talks with my mate. Times have been good and I'm sure in the future we'll have lots more fond memories. Raise your glass one final time to the bride and groom." He says.

They do and it's finally time for the first dance.

Aidan leads me to the dance floor and wraps his arms around me when Holding You starts to play.

"I love you." I mumble against his chest where my head is resting.

"I love you too." He says, kissing my forehead.


Hey guys. I've redone this chapter so it's different to what it used to be. Comment what you think. Thanks x

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