Chapter 2: The Idea

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 Chapter 2

“How many? “ I asked Emma who was putting down our snacks for movie night.

“Two. Plus one.”

I grinned. We always did plus one. Just in case we really want to watch another movie after we’ve seen our original picks. It’s one of our little traditions.

Movie night at Emma’s is a bit different from movie nights at other places. Her parents fully support her movie obsession and actually turned one of the basement rooms into an entertainment room. I’m talking about a beamer, hundreds of DVDs and BluRays lined up against the wall, a high class Dolby surround system, a mini fridge and – that’s the best – eight huge red home theater chairs. Really comfy. Way better than the ones in the Cineplex.

Emma’s parents claim that the entertainment room is mainly for their own pleasure. I guess they don’t want anyone to think that they spoil Emma, her being their only child and all that. But who are they kidding. Emma practically lives down there. I can only recall two times I’ve actually seen her mom and dad watching a movie in this very room.

Then again, they both are quite busy. Richard, her father, is a doctor and works odd hours. And Margaret, her mom, is working in a bank. I don’t know what she is doing exactly, but I do know that she has an important position and works overtime a lot.

I turned my back to the movie shelves, took a few steps to the left, put my hand behind my back and pulled out the first movie. Hey, it’s mystery movie night, and that’s how it’s done.

Pro: The movie picking process is very easy and short. No discussions allowed.

Con: You have to watch what was picked. Even if you end up pulling out the display adjustment test DVD. Yeah, it happened before.

And our first lucky winner tonight: “Hook.”

My best friend looked at me and smiled. “Nice, haven’t seen that one for a while. Steven Spielberg. Oh, we have to look out for the cameos. It’s full of them! Phil Collins, George Lucas – “

I interrupted her, reading out the name of our second movie: “10 things I hate about you.

Score! I love that movie.

“And our plus one…, “I walked all the way over to the other end of the room, randomly pulling out another DVD, “…is The Bucket List."

“Well done, Miss Adams, well done”, Emma complimented me.

I curtsied and handed over the movies. “Thank you, Miss Scott. I really appreciate it. You know, I couldn’t have done it without the support of my many, many, maaany fans out there. I love you! I love you!” I blew kisses in the air. “And I also want to thank – “

Emma laughed. “Cut it out, Sarah. Let’s get it started, shall we?”

I grinned back at her and plumped into my favorite chair, grabbing the popcorn bowl. “We shall.”


-- About two and a half hours later --

“Okay, favorite actor? – I myself pick Arthur Malet this time," Emma let me know, grabbing a handful of pretzels.

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