happily ever after?

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Monday at School

Calista's P.O.V

I don't know what I am going to do with myself. I mean yeah now I can go to play everyday but other than that, I have nothing to keep my mind off of him. I can't believe this. I loved him... I still love him but that's not that point. I'm still in his seminar class. I have to see him everyday for thirty minutes and when we get to seminar today I look at him I can see the hurt in his face and it confuses the hell out of me. If he is that upset about it then why doesn't he just apologize now and get it over with and we can be happy.

Unless he has a super good reason for this that he's not telling me, I don't think I could ever forgive him. He was my world. My one and only and then he goes and does this. I'm really hoping that through this I can at least become better friends with Brooke. I have been meaning to talk to her more and hangout with her but because I've been so wrapped up with Kayden I haven't hung out with anyone else except for Jared. But my plan today is to talk to her after school and see if she wants to hangout so we'll have to see how it goes.

*School three weeks later*

"Calista's P.O.V*

Just like I thought the past three weeks have been living hell. Crying myself to sleep almost every night. I seriously go to school, go to play, go to Jared's maybe bring Brooke with me since we have become better friends, and do homework then sleep. That is my life. I don't eat very much at all, if I'm lucky I get one meal and that's usually lunch because Beth, and Brooke force me to eat. They now know the whole story and try to make me feel better and Brooke helps me a lot during play and stuff and I'm supposed to be staying at her house tonight since it is Friday. And next Monday will make two weeks before I graduate. I already applied and got into a community college with Brooke to be a vet tech which is what I've always wanted to do. But as soon as I graduate my and Brooke are moving into a dorm there and starting our new lives. But for now I just have to get through the next two weeks.

*Graduation day Kayden's P.O.V*

The last six weeks have been living hell for me and every time I see Calista I can see the hurt on her face but hopefully that will all change today. I watch the graduation ceremony and I watch as she walks across the stage and grabs her diploma and she walks out of the gym and I run after her, her back is towards me so when I catch up with her I grab her arm gently, spin her around and kiss her. It takes a bit but she kisses back and the pulls away.

"Calista I am so sorry for everything. We got caught and Mr. Paul said I had to kick you out and not see you again until you got your diploma. I love you and never stopped. I know you probably won't except this but I'm so sorry I would have told you but Mr. Paul said that if I told you he would turn me in and then I wouldn't be able to see you ever again, and I couldn't stand the thought of that," I say and she responds by kissing me.

"So I take it you forgive me?" I ask.

"Of course I do," she says and we walk out of the school holding hands and we get in our cars and go to my house. "Kayden. I need to tell you something. Brooke and I got excepted to a community college and are moving into a dorm tonight. It's only two years and then I'll have my degree and can do whatever," she says as we walk in the door.

"I am so proud of you," I say and give her a hug.

"Do I have permission to see you on the weekend?" I ask.

"Of course you do the college is just the next town over. Just promise not to fall in love with any other students while I'm gone," she says with a wink as she wraps her arms around my neck. I've missed this feeling since she's been gone.

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