Chapter one

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I put the last bag in the car trunk and drove off, this was getting tiring, going into town every other day just cause the people in my pack were picky about what they ate, i mean what type of werewolves were they, it was a surprise that we were one of the main packs in the area and highly respected, what a joke.

I looked out the drivers window, i was so use to seeing this sight, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing exciting, nothing weird. Just plain boring trees, plain boring road, plane boring signs, plane boring body... wait plain body? I smashed my brakes and reversed, i stopped the car and ran out of it heading to the body, i turned it over. It was a young boy, maybe eighteen, nineteen, he reeked of blood, sweat and semen. I checked his pulse to find that it was barely there, he had a opening at the back of his head that was covered with dry blood, a gash on his face and bruises all over his naked body. I pulled him up and carried him to my car, i put him in the back, covered him up and sped off, i needed to get him home quickly.

I rushed the corner and had to fight to get back control of the car, i sped down the path constantly looking back at him, i looked forward and had to smash the breaks, to stop the car from crashing into Masons Jeep.

He jumped out the jeep, he had anger written on his face "what in the world is wrong with you, can't you drive?!" he paused an sniffed the air "what the hell is that stench?!"

"Mason i don't have time for this we need to get him home." he looked in the back.

"Follow me."

I followed him straight down the trail and into our little town, we pulled up in front of the Med house, he came took, the boy out my car and rushed inside with me at his heals, Lady Elena looked surprised when we burst through the door, but she immediately focused on the boy.


I stood in Norin's office waiting for her to stop questioning me, but it would be disrespectful if i were to stand up and tell the Alpha to shut the hell up and leave me alone. But maybe being her baby sister would get me off.

"Norin for the love of god i already told you everything that happened, i honestly have no idea what else to tell you."

She sighed and looked me up and down "okay whatever but stay in your limits not just you're my sister i won't punish you like the others."

"Whatever." i rolled my eyes and walked out the office and headed straight for the Med house, i walked through the hall and opened the door, Lady Elena was trying to get the boy to drink some water, but it just filled his mouth and run down the sides, she sighed and put the water down, she turned his head and let the water in his mouth go to the ground.

"How's he doing?"

"I honestly don't know, i can sense he's a wolf but he's not healing, something is seriously wrong, even the medicine is taking a long time to work on him."

"Could he have lost connection with his wolf, like Jem did?"

"That could be it, but who would do this to him, he's just a pup, where were his parents?"

"Is it a possibility that they did this to him?"

"No, why would a wolf allow this to happen to their pup, even if the father had something to do with this, why would the mother even allow this? I've never heard of this before and it would be a sad day if this ever started happening."

I nodded my head and looked at him this was really weird, maybe even beyond weird.

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