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She was just in front me, staring at me. Everything went back to her. I saw pain in her eyes. I so wanted to hug her, tell her I am sorry. But no I can't undo the things I have done. But at least I'll try to make it up with her. After all it has been 10 years and I see we both have grown maturely. But as we conversed I found myself talking to the same old princess, my princess. She may look mature and all with confidence and professional bravado but she sure does sound the same princess I have always cherished. She was thinner though. I wanted to stay, to be with her but I really do have to change since I look like a mess. But I know one thing she would definitely love.

"I have to go then. I still have to change my clothes. Anything you would want me to bring? " I looked at her intently just how I always looked at her before.
"And what do you think would I want you to bring? " is she acting all innocent with amnesia now? Let's see.
"Like Chocolate Croissants from our local baker?"
Never gets old. It's one of her soo many weak spot that I only know. She never says no to chocolate croissant and of course her favorite latte.
"Got it princess, will be back with your CC and latte"

Riding home I thought about a lot of things. She sure looks mad at me. After all I was that dumb ass who broke my Sweet princess' heart. Only if I had a choice. She looks so skinny, malnourished even. But sure she does look sexy. And how on earth this stupid brain of mine had the time to evaluate my princess' vital statistics? He makes me feel like man, like she always does. This needs a cold shower, a long one.

I have never been so excited for so long. Even the excitement of being a pilot has died down long ago. I worked with the government and rode a fighter plane for 3 years. I saw people dying and yes I have killed people using a loaded plane. But all I did was for the country but the chaos, the overwhelming sadness I always feel after a war made me decide to just quit and be a normal aircraft pilot. I sure have met a lot of beautiful girls from around the world not to mention our company has beautiful and intelligent stewardess, but to no avail non seem to surpass my princess. I have tried, yes I did. I had relationships but none lasts more than a month. I was always looking for something and I always finds myself comparing then to my princess. I decided then to stop being pretentious, no one could ever replace my princess.

"Good day Mrs. Parkinson. 4 Chocolate Croissant and Latte's please."

"Vince! Boy you sure did transformed into a fine young man. Are you here for good?"

Mrs. Parkinson's welcoming smile never gets old. With her silver Bob hair and big glasses she surely still looks youthful at prime. She was the best when it comes to bread and Kae and I loves her so much.

"I'm here for a vacation from work Mrs. P but Kae is also here."

"Oh! I heard about what happened to poor Lucas. Is he okay now?"

"Sure he's doing fine, he had some operation for the concussion and clot but doctors said he's doing fine. I'll be bringing these delicious croissant of yours to the hospital. Mom and dad are there too."

"Thank goodness! He should be careful next time. Send my regards to them and please tell Kae to come by sometime. And don't bother to pay. It's my treat for you."

"Thank you soo much Mrs. P. I missed you and your bread. " I hugged her and bid my goodbye.

As I was near gramps room I heard laughter's. Aunt Alison must be back on her track making everyone smile. I savored the moment seeing Kae laugh freely, she always have this infectious laughter and a beautiful smile that reaches to her eyes. I miss seeing her carefree like this.

"Vince your back! You brought something yummy with you huh?!" Aunt Alison broke me from my day dreaming.

"Yeah I got us all Kae's favorite, Chocolate Croissant and a latte got it for free from Mrs. Parkinson."

"Really? How is she doing?" Kae asked me as she snatched one Croissant and latte.

"She still sure looks young. BTW, she said you should come by sometime, she misses you."

"You should visit her Kae, she had been pestering me for years about you and Vince's whereabouts. She has this dream of you two together you know." Gramps said. Thankfully he is okay.

"Hey gramps, how do you feel?"

"Very fine, thank you for taking care of me. Your family has helped me a lot all these years "

"Nah, no need to mention it. You are our family."

Dad comforted gramps. It's true, gramps can be considered family already and a lil help from time to time does not bother us.

"Don't be too emotional gramps but really you have to stop being hard headed and hire someone to help you tend your chores. Look what happened!"

Kae exclaimed with her high pitched voice. She always sound like a parrot whenever she's worried and I always end laughing whenever she does this. I almost did right now.

"You ungrateful child. I have to meet an accident before you can come home and visit me. How many times have I told you to come home?"

"I have a lot of work to do gramps. I have to be there most of the time." She helplessly explained.

"You should set your priorities Kae. Family is very important and you are not getting any younger. Do you even have plans to get married?"

I waited for her answer but she didn't. She stayed silent and that's when Aunt Alison rescued her from gramps unforgiving life lessons. But I wonder, is she in a relationship?

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